Someone admitted to hitting my parked bike w/ car do I have any recourse
July 4, 2019 6:01 PM

I had my bike parked on a bike rack at my local bar. When I went to go leave my front brake was bent so badly out of shape the wheel could not move without taking the brakes off.

In addition the rear wheel I recently had trued was way out of shape. After I bought my bike back home I went back to the place where my bike was hit and saw a person standing outside their car looking at where my bike was and their bumper. I asked if they hit my bike and they admitted it but just kept saying they didn't have any cash to pay for repairs. I asked if they thought about asking if they should have asked inside to find the person whose bike they hit or left a note but they claimed to be too busy to do so.

I left because I was getting angry and didn't want to cause a scene but I did get a photo of their license plate. I doubt there's really anything worth doing here but is there anything I can do. It's an older but nice bike and if I can't get the brake mount back into shape I'm out at least a new fork it I can find one in addition to any other work that might be needed.

I know there's likely nothing worth doing but it just feels so infuriating to be completely screwed over without an outlet.
posted by Ferreous to Law & Government (9 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
That stinks! Do you maybe have a homeowners or renters insurance policy that a claim could be processed through? Or your insurance company can go after the driver's, if you (or they) can get more info from that plate.
posted by PaulaSchultz at 6:28 PM on July 4, 2019

This happened to me a few years ago and I got zero recourse from the driver, and I tried hard. I don’t remember clearly what the issue was but nothing ever happened. I ended up getting reimbursed through my homeowners insurance.
posted by Ideal Impulse at 7:06 PM on July 4, 2019

Their car insurance should pay for it. The police can track down their insurance info after you file a police report, depending on how squeaky you are about getting this info.
posted by muddgirl at 7:24 PM on July 4, 2019

When a person causes property damage while operating a motor vehicle but is "too busy" to take accountability, it's called a hit and run and is a crime.

The operator is legally required to carry liability insurance for this sort of thing.

Personally, I don't have the capacity to be frustrated and let down by the state/society and wouldn't do the work to try for accountability, but you are absolutely justified in pursuing it (police report->insurance claim route)
posted by polyhedron at 7:57 PM on July 4, 2019

Wow, what a nerve they have! What a shame they’re too busy to be a decent person and make amends for damaging someone else’s property. I hope you’re not to busy to make this delightful person accountable and file a claim against them. Maybe if they get slapped with a fine and a ding on their insurance they’ll contemplate this the next time they mow over someone’s vehicle.
posted by Jubey at 12:01 AM on July 5, 2019

yes this is exactly the reason why drivers are obliged to have insurance

you may/may not have coverage via any policy of your own, but it's their insurer who pays the bill here, not yours
posted by rd45 at 12:06 AM on July 5, 2019

Driver's car insurance and your renter's or homeowner's insurance, in that order. These may all require a police report. (Because, yeah, what this driver did was in fact a crime.)
posted by asperity at 7:48 AM on July 5, 2019

Call the police, go fill out an accident report. This is what insurance is for. You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain.
posted by theora55 at 8:33 AM on July 5, 2019

Update: talked with the local police who advised me to call my auto insurance. Because I had the license and they had admitted guilt they opened a property damage claim and are trying to determine if the person responsible has insurance. Thanks for the advice, it was appreciated.
posted by Ferreous at 12:44 PM on July 5, 2019

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