Audio workouts for the pool?
July 3, 2019 12:43 PM   Subscribe

I am soon to move into a new building with a really nice indoor swimming pool that I would like to use for personal aquafit style workouts. I'd like to get a waterproof media player and use it when I work out, but I need the content to play. Does anyone know of a source for audio cues for Aquafit routines?

I can easily get apps, audio tracks or podcasts that will audio-cue me through treadmill workouts or couch-to-5k or whatever, but I haven't been able to immediately find any for Aquafit. Does anyone know of a source?

In the past, I've cut my own very basic audio-cues for a specific walking workout that I wanted to do, and that worked okay, but it was a fair amount of work to identify songs, record the audio cues and then cut them together. If there's nothing pre-made, does anyone know of a site that provides playlists or aquafit workout routines that I could use as the basis for rolling my own? I'm familiar enough with Aquafit that I probably could just start from scratch, but it takes a long time to do each one and I'd like some variety.
posted by jacquilynne to Health & Fitness (2 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
Audioflood makes a great waterproofed iPod shuffle. I mostly use it to listen to podcasts while I swim laps, but I’m weird.
posted by panama joe at 10:40 AM on July 5, 2019

I've been lurking on this question, hoping that it would fill up with answers. I've also added swimming to my workout routine, and even though I love being in the can get kind of monotonous. I have tried several aquafit classes (I belong to a Y) and I don't find any of them challenging.

So I wind up swimming laps, in the watery silence. When I get tired of laps I will do the Treading Water Workout from my swim team days. Start at 30 seconds per exercise, increase the amount of time for more of a challenge.

1. Tread water, using arms and legs.
2. Tread water, crossing ankles and using just arms.
3. Tread water, raising arms out of the water and overhead and using just legs.
4. Tread water, bending at the hips so that feet are out of the water (body becomes a "v"). This one is a good abs workout.

If you want to be a real hardass (like my old swim coach), you can find a plastic gallon milk container and fill it with water before doing #3. Hold it over your head. If you want to be a super-hardass, turn the container upside down and tread water until it's all done emptying onto your head.
posted by Gray Duck at 2:08 PM on July 5, 2019

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