Looking for a photo
February 27, 2006 2:01 PM

I went to the Arlington Racetrack in Illinois last year (my first time at the races). One of the items on sale at the gift shop was a black and white photo of a horse racing along a long length of track. It measured something like 6" x 72" (yes, about 6 feet wide) and was priced at about $250. I assume it was made of photos seamlessly "stitched" together. Where can I find a similar photo (framed or not) online? I'm not concerned about the horse or the location it was shot, I just think it would look great hanging in my living room
posted by sharksandwich to Media & Arts (9 answers total)
I don't know where you can find one online, but I live somewhat near the general area of Arlington Racetrack. If all else fails, I might be willing to pick it up for you pending reimbursement, etc.

Hopefully you can find something online for cheaper than $250, though, that ain't cheap!
posted by twiggy at 2:24 PM on February 27, 2006

Check out this place.
posted by clh at 2:26 PM on February 27, 2006

I've had great results building/printing panoramics using autostitch to build the images, and Perfect Posters.com to have them printed. clh's link looks nifty, but has a 4' by 6' minimum, so I don't think they'd be a good choice for a long-but-thin type image, like you're describing.

Here are some samples I created in a rush with autostitch...

Vashon Island ferry dock at night

Cinerama in Seattle

Red Rock canyon -- original 16000 x 3000 image, too big for flickr to resize, doh.
posted by nomisxid at 2:43 PM on February 27, 2006

Just an off chance - it wasn't Secretariat winning the Belmont, was it? There's not any reason that would be on display at Arlington....
posted by dilettante at 2:53 PM on February 27, 2006

You don't say what was wrong with the original one. I suppose it's expensive but that's a pretty big frame.
posted by smackfu at 3:01 PM on February 27, 2006

- I don't know the name of the horse

-I figured since it was $250 at the track gift shop, I would easily be able to buy it online somewhere for cheaper.
posted by sharksandwich at 3:10 PM on February 27, 2006

I'm not sure I know exactly what kind of image you're looking for when you say that you think the image was made of photos seamlessly "stitched" together, but if you're looking for interesting prints of horses in motion, you might be interested in some prints of Eadweard Muybridge's photos.
posted by trip and a half at 8:30 PM on February 27, 2006

Maybe a photo finish picture from a historic race?
posted by AstroGuy at 8:53 PM on February 27, 2006

I think $250 seems really cheap for a photo of that size if it's archival quality. YMMV.
posted by fshgrl at 9:45 PM on February 27, 2006

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