Laptop and monitor wall mount
January 4, 2019 7:18 AM   Subscribe

I'm trying without any luck to find a monitor/laptop side-by-side wall mount with keyboard and mouse tray. I can find dual monitor mounts and I can find laptop mounts where the monitor is above the laptop.

This is what I want except with a laptop tray instead of one of the monitors.

I've looked for wall mount and pole mount (which isn't ideal but would work) with no luck. This is replacing the $22 IKEA standing desk I've been using for 5 years and I expect to use it forever so I'm willing to spend to get something high-quality and exactly what I want except I can't find it.
posted by Defective_Monk to Computers & Internet (4 answers total)
When I've seen this at corporations they use a laptop dock

and a single monitor stand.

But, as much as I support your preferences, as someone that spends all my time at my desk, using a laptop screen often takes a power draw from the laptop that otherwise would go to graphics/cpu. So, with laptops, that means slightly lower load times / performance with it open, vs shut and simply outputting HDMI.

In conclusion, you may be much happier with a traditional screen mount and laptop docking station than with the configuration you are describing.

posted by bbqturtle at 7:25 AM on January 4, 2019

here's something like what you describe though.
posted by bbqturtle at 7:27 AM on January 4, 2019

Best answer: I have a similar setup, though not a standing desk, so I don't need the keyboard tray. You can replace one of the monitors with a laptop using this notebook arm mount tray. I got a stand with multiple articulating arms, so I can position the laptop and monitors however I like relative to each other, but you might be able to directly connect this to the product you linked, with the caveat that depending on your laptop, the monitors might not be at exactly the same depth.
posted by yuwtze at 8:22 AM on January 4, 2019

Response by poster: That notebook arm mount tray is exactly what I need. And taking it a step further I searched for VESA mount laptop tray and BOOM, problem solved. I should have thought of that. Thank you
posted by Defective_Monk at 9:34 AM on January 4, 2019

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