How can I make one Echo control another and turn on lights?
November 23, 2018 6:10 PM   Subscribe

I'd like to set up a new Echo skill, so that I can ask my living-room Echo, "Alexa, deck the halls", whereby it would turn on the switch that lights the tree (easy!) and then play a Christmas music stream on the "Porch Echo".

Ok, this seems like it should be easy, and it probably is, but I'm stumped.
We have multiple Amazon Echo devices in our house, and we also have a Christmas tree on our porch that is connected to a TPlink smart plug. There's an Echo on the porch next to the tree that we've creatively called, "Porch Echo".

As I said above, I'd like to set up a new Echo skill, so that I can ask my living-room Echo, "Alexa, deck the halls", whereby it would turn on the switch that lights the tree (easy!) and then play a Christmas music stream on the "Porch Echo".

I just assumed it would be easy to add multiple steps to the process, but short of directly asking my living room Echo to play a particular audio stream on another device, I don't know how to automate this process with a "skill", ie "Alexa, Deck the halls".

Ideally, the Porch Echo would simply play a Christmas channel (Pandora or whatever...doesn't matter!) at a particular volume. Switching the lights on is easy, but controlling the content of one Echo from another, via automation, is beyond me.

Surely I'm missing something obvious!

posted by newfers to Technology (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Best answer: I think you want Routines, not skills. (Skills are mini-programs that are voice-driven and that you can publish for other users to um, use.)

You can set up a phrase-triggered Routine, that has both music and SmartHome components, and you can chose the device from which Alexa will respond.
posted by Ender's Friend at 6:31 PM on November 23, 2018 [2 favorites]

Response by poster: Oh thank you! You're absolutely right! Routines are what I wanted...
posted by newfers at 7:52 PM on November 23, 2018 [1 favorite]

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