Pasta class for adults in/around MA
September 24, 2018 1:42 PM

I'm looking for a cooking class for 2 adults on making pasta from scratch, somewhere near Massachusetts.

My wife and I love to cook together, and one thing we've never done much of is making pasta from scratch. We'd like to take a course on this, and are looking for recommendations.

Some parameters:

Ideally this will be at least a 2-hour thing, and longer is fine. Assumed skill in the kitchen is also fine, though again, not much hand-made pasta experience.

Someplace that takes reservations is required -- I want to plan this ahead as a fun night out for sometime in the next few months.

Someplace you can actually vouch for (having done it yourself) would be the best case -- a lot of what I find when googling feels like it has pretty limited information to gauge how good it is.

We live outside Boston, but we also love road trips, so anyplace within a 5-6 hour drive of Boston would be considered (I wouldn't mind making it a long weekend trip someplace interesting that happens to also include a really good pasta class).

Final note: I'm aware of King Arthur Flour's classes up in Vermont, which sometimes cover pasta. Unfortunately every time I look the dates they have (which are pretty limited for a given topic) are either full or don't work. So, other suggestions would be welcome.

All that said: unleash the suggestions!
posted by tocts to Food & Drink (6 answers total)
If you hurry, you could book a fresh pasta class at Dave's Fresh Pasta in Davis Square, Somerville before the end of the year. I've never attended but only heard good things. And I can certainly swear by their pasta.
posted by peacheater at 1:57 PM on September 24, 2018

Dave's Fresh Pasta in Somerville. I haven't done the fresh pasta class but I did a different class and it was a lot of fun.
posted by dfan at 1:58 PM on September 24, 2018

A good friend of mine is the proprietor of Create-A-Cook in Newton, and she offers "Date Night" cooking classes for adults. You would take the class with 3-4 other couples, if that's okay. Pasta from scratch is one of their regular offerings. I have never taken a class there, but the owner and I went to cooking school together and she is an amazing cook and so are the people on her staff.
posted by briank at 4:43 PM on September 24, 2018

The Baker’s Pin (formerly Different Drummer) in Northampton has a fall fresh pasta class on November 1. Catalog PDF. I haven’t taken a class here personally but have heard only good things from others.
posted by dayintoday at 4:48 PM on September 24, 2018

I cannot vouch because I've never tried these but I often see classes like this offered as night classes at our local vocational school (and in the voke school in our last town too). Is there a school near you? They usually put their night classes online!
posted by Tandem Affinity at 6:36 PM on September 24, 2018

The Cambridge School of Culinary Arts has a great recreational program. I have had a pasta making class as part of a class series, but I don't know if they have a separate pasta class. Regardless, you should definitely check them out. The instructors are very knowledgeable and I learned a ton from the classes I have taken.
posted by Bresciabouvier at 11:49 AM on September 25, 2018

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