Managing Contacts and Emails When Freelancing.
April 9, 2018 5:34 AM

I need a system. I just started freelancing and I’m sending out lots of networking emails, seeing people, following up. I’ve been using a calendar to manage all of this but there has to be a bettwer way. I want an easy way to see who I’ve contacted, who I need to follow up with, that kind of things. What works for you? BTW, I’m on a Mac. Thanks.
posted by captainscared to Computers & Internet (5 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
This is a whole category of software—leads management or customer-relationship management (CRM).

But I would probably just set up a Trello board, with a card for each person and a column for each action.
posted by adamrice at 6:07 AM on April 9, 2018

Hubspot and Zoho CRM both have free levels that will probably do everything you need.
posted by COD at 6:37 AM on April 9, 2018

I'm in a similar boat and I personally have set up a tag for all my outgoing emails so I can click on that tag in Gmail and easily see which I've not gotten a response to and should re-try. And then for reminders, I use Google Calendar. For a time I was using Google Keep but I just started using my Google Calendar instead.
posted by AppleTurnover at 2:36 PM on April 9, 2018

I've experimented with Cloze a bit, which is basically a personal CRM. It pulls in all your emails, social media, etc to give you a view of all of your contact with a particular person. You can also categorise them, and it can also prompt you to contact them at certain intervals.
posted by web-goddess at 8:46 PM on April 9, 2018

Streak CRM for gmail. I even use it to snooze emails that need to be followed up on later.
posted by Brittanie at 12:15 PM on April 11, 2018

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