Name this late 90's/early 2000's electronic/dance song
April 6, 2018 9:15 PM

In the noisy background of this Sonic State product showcasing video, there is a song I've heard before but that I can't for the life of me find the name of. Maybe it's from around 1997-2003?

The noisy background makes it a challenge to keep track of the song throughout the duration of it, but it first appears at around the 1:32 mark, as the interviewee pauses. At 1:44, when Two Months Off by Underworld cuts off, in addition to the Amen breakbeat which I think it synced to the song, it's the only thing left playing in the background, apart from some quiet generic background music added in post (the people at Sonic State added their own, maybe through a template. I'm guessing they never picked up on that during editing).

At 1:48, vocals from the song can be heard, and at 1:51 a characteristic string/synth sample plays, and at 1:58 the vocals become more prominent.

After that, a sax sample appears intermittently; it's not part of the song. At 2:19 the song and the Amen breakbeat end.

For several months now, I've been unable to shake the thought of this song. I've listened to it and gone over it in my mind so much now that I'm fairly sure I'm remembering parts of the song that are not in the video, which only makes me urge more for hearing the real thing.

If I recall correctly, the vocals are kind of tinny, maybe slightly distorted as if played through an old speaker or like an early 60's pop/soul record, and the characteristic string/synth sample is looped, at least throughout the chorus. My guess is that it was released between 1997 and 2003.

I've already poured over Billboard Hot 100 and MTV lists of electronica and dance genres for those years and beyond, as well as several of various people's personal "best electronic music of [any given year]" playlists, but without luck.

The video was recorded at "We are Robots" in London, UK, on November of last year.
posted by Megnusin to Media & Arts (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
It's really hard to make out in that video, but it reminds me of Busy Child by The Crystal Method.
posted by erst at 12:20 AM on April 7, 2018

The last part sounds like some sort of a remix of Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean."
posted by TheCavorter at 7:40 AM on April 7, 2018

Very hard to hear. Popular artists that may fit the bill
Chemical Brothers
Crystal Method
Fatboy Slim

I am getting Prince's "take me with you" more than MJ's Billie Jean
posted by kbbbo at 12:40 PM on April 7, 2018

The kid is not my song ☺️Billie Jean starts a good while after 2:19 when the song I'm looking for has stopped playing.

I guess it's one of those situations where you just have to let it go, and, if you're so lucky, feel a little blessed if you do stumble upon it eventually.

Thanks for taking a listen, everyone.
posted by Megnusin at 7:38 AM on April 8, 2018

[Final update from the OP:
The song is The Seed 2.0 by the Roots.

posted by Brandon Blatcher at 7:33 AM on October 19, 2023

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