perianal cyst treament options?
January 29, 2006 7:53 AM

perianal cyst treatment. I have a perianal cyst which periodically becomes inflamed and then returns to normal. I usually get a prescription from the doctor for an antibiotic which helps reduce the inflammation. I take fiber supplements to loosen the stools so bowel movements are not so painful. I have recently had an inflammation which hasn't responded as quickly as usual. I'm aware that surgery is the treatment of choice for this problem however I've had a number of surgeries in the last 5 years that make me very reluctant to once again return to the hospital. I've had triple bypass surgery, emergency surgery for a ruptured appendix, a carotid scraping which was somewhat bungled and resulted in my losing my voice for 6 months, shoulder surgeries... well you get the picture. I'm looking for recommendations to alleviate the pain and help treat this without surgery at this time, such as sitz baths etc... I just can't bear the thought of another surgery right now.
posted by malhaley to Health & Fitness (2 answers total)
I had the same problem. I got four cysts in about 8 months. It was so bad that at times I couldn't sit or walk. The pain was incredible. A couple times they drained themselves. But two times I had to go to the emergency room and have them lanced.

The last time it happened I went to a specialist and he recommended surgery. Basically the surgery opens up the spot where the cyst occurs and allows it to heal from the inside out.

After the surgery, I have never had the problem again.

Yeah, surgery sucks, but not as bad as suffering through the cysts. I know you are looking for non-surgical solutions, but I would recommend the surgery. Find a specialist.
posted by jpep at 8:31 AM on January 29, 2006

Oh, ow, you poor thing.

How about warm baths to keep it clean, pat dry with soft toilet paper or tissue and then some soothing / anitseptic ointment, like Bepanthen.

You can also buy squirty water bottles called peri-bottles. They're designed to help get some soothing water on the area after going to the bathroom.
posted by t0astie at 12:19 AM on January 30, 2006

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