Cover me in chocolate and throw me to the MeFites
September 23, 2017 8:31 AM   Subscribe

Where does the phrase "Cover/dip me in chocolate/honey and throw me to the lesbians/bears/other demographic" originate from, as seen on e.g. bumper stickers. Internet "opinion", with a lack of citation, indicates it has lesbian connotations or roots. It probably pre-dates the Jerry Springer opera and may have originated, or been used, by Victoria Wood, or it may have come from a 1970s or 1980s festival. Wiktionary includes a variation with honey, as does this dictionary. A language discussion discusses the pattern of the expression.
posted by Wordshore to Writing & Language (1 answer total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Heya, this is a kind of weird framing for an AskMe question, it reads more as a Mefi post -- maybe just go ahead and post it over there? -- LobsterMitten

FWIW, I remember seeing the "lesbian" version as graffiti in a women's toilet at West Virginia University in the late 1980s. I was a small-town kid visiting the university for an event, and was mildly shocked.

Can't remember if it said "honey" or "chocolate," though.
posted by Perodicticus potto at 8:48 AM on September 23, 2017

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