Question regarding teenager games
September 4, 2017 8:02 PM

In The World of Henry Orient from 1964 starring Peter Sellers among others, two teenagers who are infatuated with the eponymous character rove around New York City. Among their various activities is one where they jump over objects like fire hydrants while crying out, "Splities!" Why do they do this crying out? Is it part of some kind of game or is it just a calling out of how they are jumping over the objects they jump over?

Examples can be seen in this video starting at around the eighteen second mark.
posted by Fukiyama to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I did that as a child. Calling out splitsies/splitzies is just referring to (kinda) doing the splits over an object.
posted by saucysault at 10:11 PM on September 4, 2017

Thanks for your reply, saucysault. That was my guess, but I just wondered if there was any structure to it.
posted by Fukiyama at 7:29 PM on September 5, 2017

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