Choreographer in Boston area
July 21, 2017 8:53 PM

I'd like to work with an instructor and choreographer to come up with a couple of dances for myself and a couple of friends, technical dance novices all around. We're looking to create one burlesque and one lively coordinated pop dance number, and get both the choreography and dance instruction to make it happen. We would love to work with one person who could help with all of it if we hit it off, though happy to work with different artists if those styles don't come in the same person. They should be excited to work with a bunch of middle aged queer women to put together something sexy and fun but slightly weird or askew. Halp, please! Do you know of anyone?
posted by spindrifter to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (3 answers total)
You could do worse than starting by getting in touch with Berklee's dance faculty to see if they have current or former students they recommend.
posted by rtha at 10:15 PM on July 21, 2017

There are many great freelance choreographers in the Boston area.

You could make a posting to StageSource the non-profit service organization supporting theatre professionals and companies. It does cost money.

Questions I have:

1. is this for eventual public performance? Is the goal performance or for the group to have fun?

2. How many rehearsal sessions do you want?

4. Do you have a rehearsal space/studio available?

If you don't have space - I'd recommend looking up smaller dance schools and seeing if you could do a package for rental of the space and an instructor/choreographer. Larger schools like Emerson, Boston University, Boston Conservatory, will have spaces and choreographers on faculty, but aren't usually set up for a one-time room rental for a classroom or studio.

One of the most wonderful, talented, edgy musical theatrical choreographers I work with also runs a little-girls in sequined-outfits dance studio in the suburbs - so don't rule out contacting those kinds of places as they have the infrastructure (studio spaces, sound systems, sprung floors, mirrors) that make the experience more productive for learning the movement (and being lots of fun).

You can Memail me with more info if you'd like more specific advise.
posted by sol at 4:31 AM on July 22, 2017

Sorry I don't have any specific people, but you may want to check out the Dance Complex in Central Square. They offer classes in the genres you want to learn; you could find out if any of the instructors offer private lessons.
posted by prewar lemonade at 6:46 AM on July 22, 2017

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