New power washing company needs logo help
March 28, 2017 2:39 AM

My buddy and his friends have a new powerwaahing business I'm Austin called Capital City Powerwash. They are stuck on logo selection.

There top two choices. I know this a better survey but it's late and I and want to go to bed. Fine people of Reddit so what so you prefer:

logo 1


logo 2

You help is very much appreciated.
posted by ill3 to Work & Money (2 answers total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but a) no survey / vote type posts, b) this isn't Reddit, and c) this seems rather promotional -- taz

Logo two for sure. To me it stands out more and is more professional looking. It also depicts the name of the business better.
posted by ozgirlabroad at 2:55 AM on March 28, 2017

The first logo looks like a gun to me. It is also not well drawn. The second seems fine? I am not particular familiar with Austin though.
posted by (Over) Thinking at 2:57 AM on March 28, 2017

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