Accessible tourism in Utah
March 22, 2017 10:59 AM

How do I make the most of my time in Utah? Difficulty: heat, children, wheelchair.

In mid-July of this year my family will be visiting Utah. For four of those days we'll be in Park City for a family reunion. A couple of those days will be taken up with scheduled activities but the rest of the time will be ours. We are also thinking of spending a few extra days in the state because we want to grab the opportunity to see some beautiful stuff.

We had planned to go to Moab and go into Arches National Park and makes use of whatever accessible walking there is to be had and maybe drive around. However I understand it will be very hot at that time and we are not a party that does well in the heat at all. This question about hiking with a toddler had some interesting possibilities but I need to know if paved tracks are wheelchair friendly, and how difficult it would be in the heat for the person pushing the chair.

Do you have suggestions as to how we can maximize our experience of Utah nature while minimizing exposure to high temperatures? Is there some place we can park ourselves for a few days, explore when it's cool and sloth around a hotel pool when it's not? If we extend our stay in Park City are there things we can do?

We can split into ambulatory and less ambulatory groups. I like hiking and birdwatching. The two boys (10 and 13) will take on a supervised water or land based adventure and will tolerate (barely) driving round looking at stuff. They would be up for canoeing or rafting or fishing. They love things like zip lining. My wife uses a wheelchair to get round so some recommendations for accessible outdoor activities would be really welcome. She swims well so boats and water are good as long as she can get to them. Do you happen to know of a company in Utah that might specialize in accessible tourism?

While outdoor activities are my preference I'm open to all kinds of suggestions. If something is weird and wonderful but not outdoors we'll be interested. Museum suggestions are great. Shopping is fun. Corny is good but I don't think I can do intense nationalism right now.

We will be flying in and out of Salt Lake City if that makes a difference and we'd rather base ourselves somewhere and branch out rather than driving a lot.
posted by firstdrop to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (6 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
The Arches NPS site has info about accessible trails. For avoiding the worst of the heat, the only advice I can give is to go as early in the day as possible.
posted by rtha at 2:15 PM on March 22, 2017

Zion NP access
also here
posted by falsedmitri at 5:17 PM on March 22, 2017

Is renting a power chair/scooter in your budget and wifes abilities? Even if she doesn't use a power chair on a regular basis, it might make long days easier if someone doesn't have to push her. There are a number of companies nationwide who do rent out accessible vehicles, and a quick google do show some in SLC, so although there would be some cost, the combination of renting some powered mobility and a vehicle that would accomodate it, might be a good investment in doing more activities. This site looks like it might have some good suggestions.

Have a great trip!!
posted by Northbysomewhatcrazy at 6:18 PM on March 22, 2017

In Salt Lake City, up on the edge of the Wasatch behind Research Park, near the University of Utah, is the Utah Natural History museum. This is an incredible building with huge displays, full dinosaur skeletons, Native American displays, or whatever they are featuring at the time. The views over the valley are splendid, and the building an amazing accomplishment. The whole building is accessible to folks in wheelchairs.
posted by Oyéah at 8:08 PM on March 22, 2017

Came to second the link suggested by Northbysomewhatcrazy. And the Natural History Museum. It's not the Smithsonian, but it is so awesome. Try to make it Moab/Arches/Canyonlands if you can even in the heat because it is breathtaking.. Even just driving through Moab is worth it.

Park City has a lot of things to do in the summer.

I am not a fan of the snow, but summers in Utah make up for the winter here. It is gorgeous.
posted by chaostician at 11:42 PM on March 22, 2017

The Salt Lake City Library is incredible, and TRAX makes it very easy to get around in a wheelchair. There are lots of great restaurants on Main Street to check out as well that can be accessed right off of TRAX. The summer is gorgeous and summer nights here are amazing. No humidity and cool breezy night temps. Let's see main street SLC... The Green Pig is a fun divey bar, Eva is a good tapas restaurant, Mollie and Ollies is soups and sandwiches, the Beer Hive is a fun little pub and check out our new theater, the Eccles.
posted by timpanogos at 1:15 PM on March 24, 2017

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