Trans buttons
March 2, 2017 11:50 AM

In light of the trans restroom protections for students being removed, I'd like to come up with a button for cis people to wear that basically says, "I am a person that is comfortable identifying publicly as a trans ally and will go to bat for trans people being discriminated against."

I asked some trans friends and colleagues.

"Trans Ally" was shot down because ally has so many problematic associations. One friend said the trans flag with the words Pee in Peace. Another said, she liked the phrase "I'll go with you." I wanted to get a larger sample because I've purchased a button maker that came with 1000 buttons and now I have lots of buttons to make. Any brilliant ideas trans people of metafilter? What does it look like? What does it say? Should I make them at all or do you think this is a shitty idea to begin with? Let me know.

I'll send you a button of course if you want!
posted by Sophie1 to Human Relations (15 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
When my band did a US tour during the time of the Bathroom Bills being passed we had buttons that said "I'll Go With You."
Designs are here plus a guide for how to use them while being respectful.
posted by capnsue at 12:09 PM on March 2, 2017

'I'll go with you' is the phrase I hear most often to do what you describe.
posted by dinty_moore at 12:18 PM on March 2, 2017

How about a button that says "Cisgender friend" Anyone who identifies as cisgender is by definition a trans ally because they are not identifying themself as "normal" "male" or "female". I'd suggest just using the word cisgender, but I think adding the word friend gives the sense of being any ally which might otherwise not be there and would be lacking if you just went with, "I'm cisgender."
posted by Jane the Brown at 12:28 PM on March 2, 2017

"Free to Pee, You and Me"
posted by Rob Rockets at 12:40 PM on March 2, 2017

Here is another good link on the subject, from a the perspective of a trans/GNC person.
posted by capnsue at 12:46 PM on March 2, 2017

I thought the safety pin generally was a good symbol for this.
posted by juniperesque at 1:18 PM on March 2, 2017

Came here to say that the safety pin is being generally recognized as a symbol for what you're trying to say. I've seen it everywhere.
posted by Melismata at 1:31 PM on March 2, 2017

I wear this one.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 1:32 PM on March 2, 2017

No need to reinvent this wheel. I'll go with you is for exactly this and already has huge awareness and visibility among transfolk and their allies and accomplices.
posted by amelioration at 1:43 PM on March 2, 2017

Came in to say what amelioration said - the existing "I'll Go With You" buttons are great for this. My husband bought a pack of 100 and handed them out at a trans support rally this past weekend, where they were a huge hit. We also always have extras on hand at cons and other group things we do, because we get asked for them all the time. (We're not affiliated with the folks st that site, though I do know someone who knows the organizers.)
posted by okayokayigive at 1:46 PM on March 2, 2017

(For context that I neglected to mention above, my husband is trans - this wasn't a cis-centric "people should wear these!" thing.)
posted by okayokayigive at 1:49 PM on March 2, 2017

as A Trans, "I'll go with you" seems to be the accepted phrase.

Also if I kick you some money will you make me some secret buttons for passing out?
posted by nixon's meatloaf at 2:33 PM on March 2, 2017

"My pronouns are" buttons are also pretty darn good, actually. I've only seen that in places and events where they're made available, but it makes a very effective statement.

It also works in conversation, if you want to politely ask someone what pronouns you should call them by. State yours first, so you normalize the question.
posted by Rainbo Vagrant at 3:20 PM on March 2, 2017

I know people wearing the safety pin who I would not call trans-friendly / trans-aware. "I'll go with you" is much better and would be even clearer with the trans colors (pink white and blue).
posted by kalapierson at 6:48 PM on March 2, 2017

What everyone said about "I'll go with you" being the well-known phrase, but please for god's sake enlist your MEN friends to wear some of these. I have only ever seen cis women talk about wearing these buttons, and I've never once seen one in the wild. Many people who use the men's room also need bathroom buddies.

Note: the guidelines were removed but it's not a free for all yet, because there's a case pending before the Supreme Court that should decide this issue with some finality. #StandWithGavin would be recognizable to trans people, searchable by cis people not in the know, and doesn't limit the scope to "going to the bathroom." If you stand with Gavin, you stand with me and all trans people. I would give you the friendly head nod and maybe even the secret handshake.
posted by AFABulous at 8:15 PM on March 2, 2017

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