What is this paddle-like silverware utensil for?
January 12, 2017 8:05 AM   Subscribe

A friend of mine posted this on Facebook recently, and despite my usually-excellent Google-fu, I have been unable to figure out what this utensil was for.

Its business end looks like a paddle that one might use to stir something with, but the curve of the handle looks more like tableware than cookware to me.

(Since no scale is provided in the photos, I should note that the utensil is normal tableware length.)

Photos here.
posted by cerebus19 to Food & Drink (10 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
Punching holes in the tops of pie crusts?
posted by showbiz_liz at 8:07 AM on January 12, 2017 [2 favorites]

Branding meat?
posted by raccoon409 at 8:28 AM on January 12, 2017

"modern" looking asparagus or fish server?
posted by SweetTeaAndABiscuit at 8:31 AM on January 12, 2017

It may be some sort of cheese spoon (used to scoop semisoft cheeses from their rind.) Here's a vintage Stilton spoon. It's not the same shape exactly, but this sort of utensil is an extraneous specialty item even in the most fussy formal dining sets and thus I could see it getting "stylized" into the shape of the utensil you've got there.
posted by desuetude at 8:41 AM on January 12, 2017 [1 favorite]

Don't know exactly what it is, but I'd say it's a serving piece of some sort, and not a cooking utensil --- I'm basing that on the looks of the piece, and that it looks too elegant, too polished if you will, to be categorized with the often-beat-up working equipment in the kitchen.

As for what is it: is there a brand on it, say on the underside of the neck? Or perhaps you could ask a bricks & mortar store that specializes in fine silverwear or wedding gifts. (and don't know exactly why, but I want to suggest an ice cream server maybe? For ice cream slices, not scoops.)
posted by easily confused at 8:49 AM on January 12, 2017

Seconding desuetude as some sort of cheese spoon/server.
posted by sarajane at 10:30 AM on January 12, 2017

Response by poster: Apparently someone else found that it is, in fact, a German honey spoon. I don't have a link, unfortunately, but it seems plausible.
posted by cerebus19 at 10:47 AM on January 12, 2017

Came in to say it's for honey.
posted by meijusa at 10:56 AM on January 12, 2017 [1 favorite]

I was going to say it was a kind of pusher — to help those without the ability to get food on the fork — but yes, honey spoon.

(I mean, we all got EPNS pushers as christening gifts, right …? Oh damn, there's me being born in a small bubble of victorian culture again.)
posted by scruss at 12:45 PM on January 12, 2017 [1 favorite]

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