Video games were better in the 80s
December 31, 2016 6:05 AM   Subscribe

I have become a grumpy old person who cannot play video games. I'm looking for PS4 recommendations. I've seen other threads, but apparently I'm a special, grumpy, snowflake.

I can't handle the vastness of modern games. I seem to be unable to change my camera angle while walking, which is limiting. Just tried PvZ Garden Warfare and found my avatar staring at the ground while getting killed. Generally it seems like I want less control in games. Fewer options.

Also I don't like all the violence. And I want to play, not watch a cartoon movie and sometimes interact with it (Uncharted 4?)

I miss flat, linear games. Give me Super Mario 3, or Final Fantasy 9 (though I couldn't do FF X2). Or Tapper or Paperboy. Text even, I enjoyed the heck out of The Ensign on iOS. I end up playing Monopoly and You Don't Know Jack and missing Wii Ping Pong.

I like puzzles. I like humor. I'd be thrilled to play all the Commodore 64 games from 1986, but what is there today for PS4 that won't make me nauseous or angry?
posted by OrangeVelour to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (22 answers total) 25 users marked this as a favorite
Absolute Drift has a set isometric view point. The only thing you do is drift (powerslide in old speak) a small car around various minimalist cityscapes and race tracks. It's hard to get the hang of but satisfying to be good at. It's the kind of thing which is frustrating but you keep wanting "one more try".

Rogue Legacy is a roguelikelike Castlevania-ish platformer. Another "one more try" game. Plenty of combat but it's not in a realistic style like Uncharted.

Is Braid out on PS4? Puzzle platformer that has some clever tricks and puzzles based on Super Mario mechanics.
posted by EndsOfInvention at 6:16 AM on December 31, 2016

Nova-111 is an interesting puzzle/action game with a combination of real-time and turn-based mechanics. Has a side-on platformer style POV.

Tricky Towers is kind of like Tetris but you have to balance the pieces in as tall a tower as you can. Probably better as a multiplayer game (has local multiplayer) but has a lot of single player puzzle levels with different challenges/objectives.
posted by EndsOfInvention at 6:35 AM on December 31, 2016

I've got collections of the old Activision / Atari / arcade games for my PS2. I assume those also available for the PS4.
posted by COD at 6:39 AM on December 31, 2016 [1 favorite]

Best answer: Two suggestions:
Stardew Valley, a top-down, mild-mannered retro-looking game. It's something like if Minecraft and Legend of Zelda had a baby. You're a resident of Stardew Valley. You own a farm and raise crops. There are townspeople to interact with and quests to complete (or ignore). There's a mine full of monsters if you want to go adventuring, or you can spend your days fishing.

N++ is a puzzle/platformer kind of thing. You have to get your avatar through rooms full of bombs and traps to reach the exit. It's very stylized -- your avatar is basically a stick figure. It's not a side-scroller like the Mario games, but to me it kind of fits that same overall category.
posted by Janta at 6:53 AM on December 31, 2016

Get an old school console or a simulator of one that has older games. I agree that games from the 80's were the best. Less complicated, more fun, and more addictive.
posted by ljs30 at 8:11 AM on December 31, 2016

Hue, Machinarium, Unravel, Never Alone, Trine 2 (not 3, but 1 is also fun), I Am Setsuna, Stardew Valley, Feist, Dust: An Elysian Tale
posted by Mizu at 8:19 AM on December 31, 2016

I'm obsessed with Binding of Isaac on the PC - the original, not the Rebirth. I can see from a quick internet search that Rebirth is available for PS4; try that, or find a way to play the original.
posted by pretentious illiterate at 8:22 AM on December 31, 2016 [1 favorite]

Super Meat Boy, Fez, The Witness!
posted by sevensnowflakes at 8:31 AM on December 31, 2016

Portal 2 is not yet available on PS 4, but it is on Steam and is an excellent puzzle game with wit, humor and a stunning environment. You should play thu the original Portal first as it sets the story and characters as well as introduces you to how the game is played. I really enjoyed these two games, very little violence, very challenging yet fun, and a truly intriguing back story. Best games EVAR!
posted by ConnieL at 8:43 AM on December 31, 2016 [1 favorite]

One quick note about The Witness: it's a beautiful and challenging puzzle game, but if you are at all prone to motion sickness or nausea while playing videogames, be wary. The Witness gives me motion sickness after 30 minutes or so of playing. I play lots of other videogames across multiple platforms, but I've never found one quite as bad as The Witness for inducing motion sickness. Other than that it's a great game!
posted by Janta at 9:36 AM on December 31, 2016

Ok, I got you. I hate most flagship modern games, don't like realistic violence, rarely prefer 3D, and yet have been gaming steadily since the 80s!

While emulation is fine, this (2005-2015) has been a GOLDEN decade for indy/retro darlings, many of which I know you'll love. Many of these started as one-man labors of love, in part as strong rejections to the mainstream face of modern gaming, and that care and position shines through. All are 2D, none have camera control. Most are pixel-art based, a few have hand-drawn sprites, and a few have 3D models for 2D gameplay (Setsuna and Unravel)

Spelunky! - 2d platformer, procedurally generated levels, best game of 2000-2010, in my mind.

Downwell - In the vein of Spelunky, procedural platformer, this one with a little scrolling shooter influence. Super cute and fun. Can play for a few five minute sessions, or devote hours to beating it.

Cave Story - Cute yet challenging "metroidvania" type. Full of great charm and music, not especially easy, though it looks like it might be. (Oh crap, not on PS4, but on many other platforms, including free on PC).

Hyper Light Drifter A moody, pretty, minimal overhead adventure, strongly influenced by Link to the Past. Very atmospheric and cool, surprisingly challenging combat.

I Am Setsuna It's basically a re-hash of Chrono Trigger and early Final Fantasy releases, will not disappoint if you mis the halcyon days of JRPG.

Volgarr the Viking REALLY well done. Think Rastan, Ghosts & Goblins, a little Altered Beast.

Salt and Sanctuary
Sort of like if Dark Souls were 2D and more influenced by early Castlevanias. Also check out everything from Ska Studios, Charlie Murder is a great co-op shoebox brawler

Jamestown+ A 2D vertical scrolling shoot'em up, great for co-op, rather hard, fun steampunk martian colony setting.

Crypt of the NecroDancer Bizarre mashup of classical roguelikes and rhythm games. Has no right to work so well but it is super fun!

Super Time Force Super fun! Think Mega Man, but with a very inventive time-warping conceit.

Unravel is BEAUTIFUL, was just on sale for $5 on psn, might be still, and everyone should go buy it. Classical but inventive, 2d puzzle/platform. I don't think I've ever seen such detail payed to getting a clover plant look just right.

Child of Light is an arty and cool/pretty RPG.

So, there's a quick set, ranging from slow and puzzly to blistering action, including metroidvanias, a few platformers, a shmup, a brawler, an old school jrpg, and a few that defy easy classification. I Hope at least one will draw you in, I can supply more in each vein, happy to discuss more on MeMail or here.

posted by SaltySalticid at 9:56 AM on December 31, 2016 [8 favorites]

Relive the text adventures of the 80s, but better? Try Hadean Lands by Andrew Plotkin. Many, many more text adventures have been written over the past decade or two - plenty of 'best of' lists out there if you want to try some of them & most of them are completely free to play.
posted by pharm at 10:29 AM on December 31, 2016

2 I haven't seen mentioned that are side-scrolling beat-em-ups: Scott Pilgrim the game, and Bro-force. Both are punchy, hard but fun, and work great solo or with a group.
posted by sleeping bear at 11:56 AM on December 31, 2016 [1 favorite]

You definitely have options. the PS4 has a large and very diverse library. I'll throw out a bunch, definitely check them out and see if they're up your alley.

Inside, VVVVVV, Super Meat Boy, Rayman Legends, and Sound Shapes are 2D platformers that are fairly straightforward. Inside is considered by many to be one of the greatest games of the year, Super Meat Boy is SUPER difficult, Rayman Legends is gorgeous, and Sound Shapes is a really nifty little thing. You could also try checking out FEZ as well as The Bit.Trip which contains Bit.Trip.Runner which seems like it would be completely up your alley.

Oh, there's also Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 and Pix the Cat if you like arcade-style games. Oh! And Zen-Pinball 2 which is free but has a ton of purchasable boards.

Stardew Valley has been mentioned. You have run of a farm and can manage crops and animals and develop relations with the townspeople. It's splendid and very, very zen. You can take everything at your own pace.

Leaning more towards the action side you might also enjoy Pixeljunk Shooter Ultimate, Spelunky, and maybe Crypt of the Necrodancer.

Both Grim Fandango and Day of the Tentacle are remastered and on PS4. They're probably the funniest games on the system, humour is not really video games strong suit.

Hohokum and Doki Doki Universe are a little bizarre but I think that they're interesting enough to recommend. You said you wanted less violence, so I've tried to recommend more peaceful stuff. Let us know if anything ends up catching your fancy!
posted by Neronomius at 12:01 PM on December 31, 2016 [1 favorite]

Are the Lego games too cartoony for you? Marvel Superheroes is fun.
posted by The corpse in the library at 12:59 PM on December 31, 2016 [1 favorite]

We are just playing inside, which is super cool. you solve puzzles, and it's a big world, but it's a side scroller so the path you take through it is very limited. it is kinda violent, in that you die a lot, but you aren't doing the killing.
posted by 5_13_23_42_69_666 at 1:54 PM on December 31, 2016

this one right here...this is what you want...this one:
the Deadly Tower of Monsters...where you play the actors in like the absolute worst 50's sci-fi its DVD re-release...with director commentary. It's hilarious. (download from PS store)

Also, if you like any of the 'Gauntlet' games, you might like Diablo 3...which has a top-down view so you're not fussing with camera controls. Also, it's really fun in multi-player (which you can do online or local, which isn't even split-screen, because you're in the same area). It's violent, but it's all pretty much just blowing up D&D style demon monsters with fire spells and lightning earthquakes, and hectic like robotron and smash tv, but you can take breaks to forge weapons and upgrade armor and such...and it's probaby pretty cheap by now...
posted by sexyrobot at 7:32 PM on December 31, 2016

Oh, and if you're looking for racing game, the remastered wipEout is coming's like playing the podracers from star wars, but also oddly like mario kart...but faster. Also the graphics are just bonkers...especially in zone mode (and that's just the ps3 version)
posted by sexyrobot at 8:12 PM on December 31, 2016

I'll second Lego Marvel Superheroes. If you're a Star Wars fan, Lego Star Wars The Force Awakens is good fun too.
posted by dorkydancer at 3:08 PM on January 1, 2017

Fez, Braid, The Witness, Antichamber.
posted by bensherman at 6:19 PM on January 1, 2017

Wanted to suggest 'Splosion Man but it's Xbox exclusive. However googling showed me this (autogenned) list 50 games like it for PS4 It's top suggestion is Stealth Bastard Deluxe and if that's available for PS4 then absolutely do!! Didn't go through the whole list, came running back here to say Stealth Bastard is gonna be your jam.
posted by Iteki at 10:46 PM on January 1, 2017

Response by poster: Thank you all. I've started Stardew Valley and I have this great list of games to try next.
posted by OrangeVelour at 9:16 PM on January 3, 2017

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