South Lake Union apartment
November 21, 2016 12:37 PM   Subscribe

I'm looking for recommendations from mefites on buildings in the South Lake Union neighborhood of Seattle (or nearby) that fit my special snowflake apartment needs.

Occupants will be:
*Myself, late-twenties woman
*My two-year old son (shared custody situation)
*Indoor cat
*50 lb Shar Pei (quiet and pretty lazy generally)

Needs are:
*Pet friendly
*Building/community that is friendly to little kids and/or where typical toddler noises during the day are not an issue
*Two bedrooms or a one bedroom with a large enough living room that I can divide part of it off into another sleeping space for me
*Electric vehicle parking
*Rent around $2500 (not including utilities)... I would really be happy if I could find something around $2k, but that seems less likely based on my Googling so far
*Short commute by foot or bus to the area around the SLU Amazon campuses

I'm open to raising my budget if I really need to, but I'd much rather pay less for a smaller place if there's an apartment out there that will meet my needs.

I'm looking to move in in early 2017.
posted by ABCApplePie to Grab Bag (4 answers total)
Lots of places in Belltown for that price. I assume you'd have to run an extension cable in the garage and most buildings have very limited parking but the rest would fit your needs. Right by the space needle, about a 8 minute walk to Amazon, I pay much less money for a studio. Our building has 1 bedrooms for 1350 and meet all your requirements. I'm sure newer, nicer buildings would work for you. So don't rule out the northern part of Belltownn or Lower Queen Anne.
posted by kittensofthenight at 1:57 PM on November 21, 2016

No idea what the rent is these days, but alto apartments in Belltown was reasonably pet friendly when I moved to town a bit under four years ago and was built after EVs became a thing, so I think they had some EV parking. I didn't particularly like it there, and I felt like the HVAC situation was less than ideal. But that's me.
posted by wotsac at 5:08 PM on November 21, 2016

This isn't strictly speaking SLU either but we lived in a 2BD in the Belroy Apartments for about a year and a half with our daughter (who was 2 when we moved out) and liked it quite a bit. There were a couple of other families with young children on our floor and a few more in other parts of the complex. (We only moved out because we had twins and needed more than two bedrooms.)

We were paying a bit over your budget but less "view"-y versions of our apartment were pretty close to $2500 IIRC.
posted by joshuaconner at 11:27 PM on November 21, 2016

(forgot to mention but they are pet-friendly)
posted by joshuaconner at 11:43 PM on November 21, 2016

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