Words for the dying
October 24, 2016 9:51 AM   Subscribe

My grandfather is dying. I am on my way to help my uncle and grandmom take care of him. I knew this day would come and at some point in the past I thought I had favorited a comment about how to help the dying let go. I cannot find the comment. Can you all help me find it? It was something along the lines of "it is ok. You did good. We will be ok."but I think there was more than that.
posted by procrastination to Human Relations (1 answer total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: So sorry to hear about this; asking is fine, but since it's a question about tracking something down on the site, it should go in MetaTalk. Feel free to repost over there, and let me know if you have any questions. -- cortex

Sorry that you're having to endure this.

I don't think there's a specific saying or anything like that, and it's the kind of thing I'm sure is said frequently here (and other places)

When my mother was dying, I said much of the same thing - only tailored to our relationship. I was living with her at the time and had never really moved out. I told her that I would be ok without her, that she taught me what I needed to know to be on my own.

That's what I suggest here. Tell your grandfather what he taught you and did for you will make it so that you, your uncle, and grandmom can go on without him. Tell him you'll be ok, even if he's not there for you anymore.
posted by INFJ at 10:01 AM on October 24, 2016

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