Baby-Friendly Meeting Spot in Manhattan?
October 11, 2016 11:07 AM   Subscribe

I've got a new baby and a friend coming to town who wants to meet this baby on Friday! Friend has a tight time window and needs to meet in Manhattan somewhere in-between Midtown and the West Village. I have no idea where to go.

What kinds of cafes / restaurants / hotel lobbies / etc. are baby-friendly and would be good meeting spots with a little tiny guy in tow?

We live in Brooklyn and haven't gone into Manhattan really at all since the baby was born. The baby is 2.5 months old and mostly pretty well behaved, but sometimes cries and fusses a bit. I'm worried about choosing a spot that will give us the evil eye if he starts crying, so would love to know about any baby-friendly coffeeshops, restaurants or other hangout places we could go with our friend.... Am thinking about wearing the baby in a carrier, but could also take our stroller in.

posted by yearly to Travel & Transportation around New York, NY (6 answers total)
What time of day would this be?
posted by saladin at 11:17 AM on October 11, 2016

Avoid libraries and anywhere cramped enough that a large stroller (assuming you're not doing babywearing or the like) will be an inconvenience. Otherwise, probably anywhere would be fine. People in Manhattan are pretty used to the existence of babies, sounds made by other humans, etc.

I'd probably pick a coffee shop in the West Village just to avoid stressy caffeinate-and-go type environments. More for you/baby/friend than with an eye to other customers.

I think a coffee shop or casual eatery would be better than a sit-down restaurant just in case the baby starts hardcore crying and you feel like you need to leave. But honestly, I wouldn't worry too much about offending people with the presence of a tiny human. It's New York. People have seen worse.
posted by Sara C. at 11:43 AM on October 11, 2016 [2 favorites]

While I find Landmarc in the TWC somewhat overpriced for what it is, it readily accommodates small children and I have chosen it before for meetings with strollerbound beings and their caregivers.
posted by praemunire at 11:51 AM on October 11, 2016

Max Brenner is a kid-friendly (therefore baby-friendly) restaurant in Union Square. Or, if it's daytime and the weather is fine, the Highline (elevator entrances for stroller, if you're using it), will have lots of babies and kids around, and open-air cafes. Books of Wonder on 18th St is a children's bookstore with a small cafe inside.
posted by xo at 11:51 AM on October 11, 2016

I'm meeting up with two friends with babies at the Pennsy soon. It's a fancy food court right by Penn Station. It's not overly charming, but it's big so you can get up to walk the baby around and/or switch tables if you need to. There are some great food options there too!
posted by snaw at 12:56 PM on October 11, 2016

Yes Landmarc is EXTREMELY accommodating and during the day is filled with parents and their babies
posted by sestaaak at 4:45 PM on October 11, 2016

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