Need a QR Code scanner app that doesn't suck, and can export to CSV
July 22, 2016 9:15 AM

So, I've been tasked with finding an app my co-workers can install on their phones for an upcoming event to scan people's QR codes on their badges. My co-workers are generally not technical people, so it should be very easy to use. Must work on iOS and Android.

Fundamentally, they just need something that'll scan some damn QR codes, let them add some notes, and allow the data be exported to CSV or Excel format.

Most of the integrated apps for this thing are hot garbage: ancient apps that haven't been updated for new phones, have some unnecessary web component, are expensive, or just plain impossible to use. I've installed about a dozen apps on my personal phone, and none of them seem worth it. There's got to be at least one that isn't terrible and does what we need. Right?
posted by SansPoint to Computers & Internet (4 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I have approximately this problem, but for barcodes, and the least garbage app I have found is QRReader for iPhone, which seems to exist for Android too. Do you need to be able to add notes to individual codes at the point of scanning? QRReader won't do that natively, I don't think, but surely there's some kind of workaround considering that when you export barcode numbers to CSV they get wrapped in text.
posted by clavicle at 9:24 AM on July 22, 2016

We do need to add notes at the point of scanning. Can't expect people to remember what they spoke about when they might be meeting 100+ people.
posted by SansPoint at 9:28 AM on July 22, 2016

Most of the times, if an event has badges with QR codes, they also have an app/device specifically make for reading those QR codes.
posted by Mr. Big Business at 9:39 AM on July 22, 2016

Yes, you think this would be easier! Zoho creator, a drag-and-drop application creator, supports scanning QR codes and exporting to csv. You could build a simple form that just collects QR codes and notes, and then embed it in a website and send a link to people who will be collecting codes. They have a 15-day free trial so you can see whether this works for you before spending any money, but it's not terribly expensive especially just for an event.
posted by beyond_pink at 11:05 AM on July 22, 2016

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