Please help me find a (horror?) movie from the 1970's or 1980's
March 30, 2016 3:07 PM   Subscribe

I barely recall it, but the ending haunts me: There is a guy sitting in a small cabin in the woods. There is a body on a rough table in the middle of the cabin. It is night. The man falls asleep, and when he awakens, it's morning, I think the cabin door is now open, and if my memory serves me, the body (a woman?) had been defiled in some way. The man screams, the scream echoes through the woods, the movie ends I think. I cannot recall what movie this was...any ideas?

I have been trying to find this movie for several years now. I saw it back in the 80's late at night when I was a kid. What I remember is virtually useless for google searching and I've read a bunch of movie descriptions but haven't found one that I think is it....maybe someone here will know...

There are two movie names that I think I saw on late night TV at the same basic time - The Prophecy (1979) and Lolly Madonna War (1973) - but this was a time when those would be being shown on late night after-the-news movies. I don't THINK this is in The Prophecy (it seems like it could be), but maybe the film I'm looking for also would have been out somewhere in that time-frame.

I remember being freaked out by this ending, and I don't remember much else - I was too young to be watching any of these movies at the time, or to remember it all the way to now...
posted by maldrin to Media & Arts (3 answers total)
I can't tell you whether that scene was in Prophecy or not, but I can tell you that it wasn't the final scene: Prophecy ended with (spoiler alert!) a worm's eye view of the survivors escaping the forest via helicopter after having killed the monster, and just as you're feeling relief, a second monster thrusts its head into frame and roars.
posted by ejs at 5:28 PM on March 30, 2016

Sounds a little like the ending to The Evil Dead (the original)?
posted by pepper bird at 6:22 PM on March 30, 2016 [3 favorites]

Farmhouse, and no table, but the first thing I thought of was Pet Sematary.
posted by ohcanireally at 11:05 AM on March 31, 2016

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