Seattle/Puget Sound Used Bookstores
March 25, 2016 2:58 PM

While I am familiar with several used bookstores in the area, I am curious if anybody knows of any that have good trade policies as I have a LOT of books I'd like to bring somewhere for store credit. Anything within the Puget Sound or Seattle areas is good; I'd be ok with further out even if they have a good selection of books as well as a decent trade policy.
posted by Stupidratcreature to Shopping (12 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Twice Sold Tales on Capitol Hill, in addition to being a cat-filled treasure, is I believe always taking books for store credit. Not sure if they're taking huge amounts, or if they want to select stuff, but it's worth giving a call. And also going in to pet the cats.
posted by silby at 3:11 PM on March 25, 2016

Value Village in Kirkland is pretty good. They are open to buying books and have other stuff to trade depending on your predilections.
posted by lon_star at 3:39 PM on March 25, 2016

I haven't ever traded with them, but you might also try Couth Buzzard in Greenwood.
posted by oxisos at 3:47 PM on March 25, 2016

It's been several years, but I've had good luck with Magus Books in the U-District (especially for academic books and nonfiction) and Twice Sold Tales as well.
posted by karayel at 3:48 PM on March 25, 2016

I go to Third Place in Lake Forest Park and have been satisfied with them.
posted by The corpse in the library at 4:24 PM on March 25, 2016

My experience has been that HalfPrice will give you something for anything, and is as good as any for large dumps of books. Third Place gives a bit more, but is more selective, so you will almost certainly return home with some of your own books.
posted by OHenryPacey at 4:28 PM on March 25, 2016

Seconding Twice Sold Tales, since her stock hasn't been updated much recently and they seem to not be terribly picky. Call first to make sure it's an intake day, and keep in mind they can't give you much in the way of cash (but will very likely be more down with store credit) since the shop's kinda on the rails financially.
posted by zinful at 5:49 PM on March 25, 2016

Seconding Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park -- they're a little picky about what they'll take in, but if you have things they want, they give good store credit (or cash). Half Price Books takes a lot more stuff but they pay out total crap. Last time I went there with a couple of grocery bags of recently released hardbacks and they offered me around $12 for the lot of it, Third Place was willing to take most of it and give me more money to boot. Bonus: they sell a mix of new and used, their pickiness means the selection is well curated, and it's a fun store to browse in.
posted by palomar at 7:08 PM on March 25, 2016

You could make a day of it and go to Powell's in Portland, which is probably the best bookstore for this in the country.
posted by Capri at 7:56 AM on March 26, 2016

Thanks for the suggestions so far! I'll probably give Third Place a try since that's the first one I haven't been to at all yet, and I'd love to see what they have.
posted by Stupidratcreature at 8:38 AM on March 26, 2016

The University Bookstore is very picky, but they have great prices. They're a block away from Magus so you can sell at two locations without needing to move your car.

Also the University Bookstore used to purchase for Powell's and Village Books' used book needs - I don't know if they still do, but if that's still true it'd save you a trip to Portland or Bellingham.
posted by bravecanary at 3:05 PM on April 13, 2016

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