Can you identify the signature on this crystal vase?
March 17, 2016 4:34 PM   Subscribe

It looks like "onefoil" to me, but that's a pretty weird name.

I just bought this vase. It has an engraved signature on the bottom that looks like "onefoil". I thought different eyes might see it differently and be able to tell me something about this object's age and/or maker. Thanks!

PS - Since you're probably wondering - the signature is surrounded by paper because without it my camera didn't know what to focus on.
posted by crazylegs to Media & Arts (4 answers total)
posted by WesterbergHigh at 4:38 PM on March 17, 2016 [2 favorites]

posted by Ideefixe at 4:39 PM on March 17, 2016 [2 favorites]

WesterbergHigh just beat me to it. It looks like your vase is the Waterfall.
posted by essexjan at 4:43 PM on March 17, 2016 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Wow, I never would have figured that out.

AskMeFi rocks as usual. Thank you all!
posted by crazylegs at 4:51 PM on March 17, 2016

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