Best books: Media Strategy 101
January 29, 2016 12:47 PM

What are the best, most current books for total newbies on creating a media strategy for small organizations?

I'm looking for a current 101-level textbook-type book I can give to people who are new to media strategy (and in some cases, new to digital/social media). My objective is for them to understand how different messages are best transmitted via particular media, and what the current "digital landscape" is like. So I guess a primer that lays the foundation, before worrying about how to use X software or Y social media in any detail (that'll be the next step in a bigger effort to show them how to create media for their small organizations).

It would need to be an actual book (not an ebook), and it would need to cover the basics: Knowing your message, knowing your audience, knowing which channels are the best fit, and knowing which tools are currently used to create media within those channels.

I've gotten a decent list of potential books together, but not being a pro myself, I'd appreciate hearing what people who really know their stuff would recommend.
posted by Rykey to Technology 8 users marked this as a favorite
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