Has anyone seen ceiling ducks?
December 14, 2005 11:24 AM

Looking for those duck bottom ceiling decorations...

We have a ceiling painted blue in my house, and my roommate is craving some of those ridiculous half-ducks that you can glue on to give the appearance you are underwater. Has anyone seen those? Looking online all I can find is very expensive custom models. I'm looking for something on the cheap here.
posted by ORthey to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (6 answers total)
Buy some rubber duckies and slice them in half? Not quite the same effect, but since it's whimsy you're after anyway…
posted by fvw at 11:53 AM on December 14, 2005

Are you talking about duck decoys? Any decent sporting goods store will have them.
posted by Thorzdad at 11:56 AM on December 14, 2005

I'm thinking ORthey is thinking of something like this (scroll down to the bery bottom). If all else fails, yeah, cutting up some rubber duckies (or stuffed/plush ducks) would achieve the same effect.

Or are you thinking about stickers/decals, ORthey? Two-dimensional or 3-D?
posted by Gator at 12:01 PM on December 14, 2005

There's this, too, but since it's called "art" and no price is listed, I'm guessing it'll be to pricey for your needs.
posted by Gator at 12:07 PM on December 14, 2005

Gator, that's essentially it. That's the problem I'm having is all these places either have no prices ( = expensive) or have expensive prices listed.

The problem with buying regular toy ducks is that they never have legs because generally they're supposed to just float on water.
posted by ORthey at 12:27 PM on December 14, 2005

Are these what you were looking for? The link game from Boing Boing.
posted by cgg at 1:18 PM on December 14, 2005

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