Replacement receiver for my Honda Pilot 2008. How do I begin?
November 9, 2015 8:24 AM

I'd like bluetooth to connect my phones to it and the standard built-in one doesn't offer that. I've taken it apart to add a 3rd party AUX but that only worked for about 6 months so now I've decided to replace it all but how? When I look it mentions you need adapter cables and such? There seems to be no one-stop shop. Anyone suggest a working combo?

It is a 2X DIN and I'm not even sure if that is "standard". All I want is bluetooth and maybe Pandora integration along with AM and FM. No need for XM or Srius. No need even for CD's. Navigation is optional but would be nice.
posted by usermac to Technology (6 answers total)
I replaced the 2x DIN stereo in my 2007 Civic to get Bluetooth and I ordered from Crutchfield. You put in your make and model and they tell you which stereos will fit and exactly what bits and pieces you need. They also provide an instruction sheet for your specific car with lots of photos and detail. They definitely have the one-stop shop experience you're looking for - maybe a little more expensive but to me definitely worth it.
posted by pocams at 8:31 AM on November 9, 2015

Crutchfield. You tell them what kind of car you have, they tell you what will fit and sell you an installation kit with any needed parts and a skimpy-but-okay installation guide.
posted by ROU_Xenophobe at 8:32 AM on November 9, 2015

Thirding Crutchfield. They make it very easy to order and install based on the vehicle and the options you want, and (at least when I replaced the double DIN unit in my old Honda in 2010) the installation kits and adapters are basically free.
posted by still bill at 8:34 AM on November 9, 2015

And another vote for Crutchfield. I replaced the stereo in my 2005 Pilot for just the same reason. I also bought an adapter that would allow the steering wheel controls to continue to work with the new receiver. It was easy to install and has worked great.

A few suggestions, get a collapsible rod with a magnet on the end for when you drop a screw in a hard to reach place. Also maybe get a small magnetic tray. Something like this and this

Also, there are youtube videos for every possible scenario. If you are unsure about something, search for a youtube video, someone has probably already posted a walkthrough.
posted by beowulf573 at 8:45 AM on November 9, 2015

Oh, and another suggestion. I bought a receiver that had an iPod input on rear and an extra long cable. I ran the cable to the center console and mount an ipod case with velcro to the inside. This worked for years until my old iPod Video died. I'm still looking for a replacement that will hold all of my music.
posted by beowulf573 at 8:51 AM on November 9, 2015

I am overwhelmed at the response. So very helpful you all have been. Thank you.
posted by usermac at 10:32 AM on November 9, 2015

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