Bluetooth Microphone? They dont exist
November 8, 2015 10:00 AM

I could find only one bluetooth mic on amazon and it had horrible reviews. I'd like to use voicecommands for our livingroom tv but would need a wireless mic, is there a ~$50 option? Can I just use the mic off a wireless headset but still have the audio go through the speakers?

(like this guy is asking) Thanks :)
posted by 1inabillionmistake to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
Can you provide any more information about what equipment you have and exactly what you're trying to accomplish? Because everything I know or can find about voice commands for home entertainment systems involves having a mic built into a remote control, so I'm not sure why you would need an external Bluetooth microphone, or why you would want the sound from the mic to go through your speakers.
posted by soundguy99 at 3:59 PM on November 9, 2015

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