Recommendations for PS4 FPS or action games for a casual (adult) gamer
October 1, 2015 7:08 PM

On a lark I bought a PS4 relatively soon after they came out and haven't been using it much. You see, it was my idea to get back into playing video games after 30 years (hey, those Nintendo's were fun!) Details inside.

I bought the PS4 with Call of Duty Ghost DVD which has a cool story line and great visuals but was a little advanced for my 60 year old brain. And since I don't always get a chance to play games, each time I went back to playing after a lapse my fingers had forgotten all the different controls. Plus there weren't a lot of PS4 games available back then.

I like FPS or action games as opposed to cerebral or world exploring/building (so I'm different than another question on the green I found). And as I said I'm a casual gamer with very rusty gaming skills. I'm just looking for recommendations for my next purchase(s).

Also, where do you buy your games? I do a lot of Amazon shopping, and Best Buy is near me. Or do you recommend digital purchase?
posted by forthright to Technology (24 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
I'm a pretty casual gamer myself, but I enjoyed Arkham Knight!
posted by modesty.blaise at 8:06 PM on October 1, 2015

I bought Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare for twenty bucks and got several dozen hours of gameplay out of it easily. It's a very simple FPS with a tower-defense mode that can also be played split-screen co-op. (Eight "classes," each with three basic abilities.) Biggest annoyance is its insistence on "always-on" connection to EA servers.

If you like platforming stuff, Spelunky is probably the current gold standard for that.
posted by Scattercat at 8:07 PM on October 1, 2015

I buy all my games digitally nowadays.

I'm mostly about the action games, but I hate FPSs.

I like Bloodborne a hell of a lot, it's the main thing I use my PS4 for. It is also however pretty famously hardcore. I do find that I have no trouble picking it up after a several-week-long break. (Tips: feel no shame in using the wikis, regularly ask yourself "would I be sad/angry if I lost my current handful of Blood Echos" and go buy levels/stuff with them when the answer is yes instead of pressing on to unknown territory.)

I have also enjoyed Galak-Z a lot. Super tense game of flying a tiny spaceship around and pitting multiple enemy factions against each other.

CounterSpy is a pretty neat, stylish little side view infiltration game.

ResoGun makes the part of me that loved Defender happy.

Pix The Cat is a very clever modern dot-muncher. It ain't Championshio Pac-Man, but it owes a lot to that,

Hohokum is a good chillout game. It's all cerebral and explorey and shit but... go watch some videos of it, okay? It's REALLY PRETTY and calming.

Diablo 3 is basically Gauntlet. It's all about running around killing monsters. Story is pure shit but it fills that urge to kill hordes of stupid enemies.

If you have a friend to play with, Nidhogg is great. You and your friend in a gleefully futile swordfight. Simple controls, tons of laughter and fun.

I haven't found any really good twin-stick arena shooters on it. I mean Geometry Wars 3 is resoundingly okay but I'm just kinda sick of abstract blips in that kind of game, you know?
posted by egypturnash at 8:08 PM on October 1, 2015

Oh hey and Super Time Force Ultra is free on PSN this month. I had the 360 version, it's a pretty fun riff on Contra.
posted by egypturnash at 8:14 PM on October 1, 2015

I would maybe recommend Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin before Bloodborne, as a... less steep entry to that style of game? They're both amazing, but I found BB much more difficult.

Also Fallout 4 comes out next month!
posted by rifflesby at 8:31 PM on October 1, 2015

I really recommend The Last of Us. I'm an FPS junky and it's one of the best games I've ever played. I'm confident the best place to buy games is used from GameStop. If you don't like it, you can return it for a full refund within seven days. Just this week I bought Witcher 3, which many people think to be game of the year, and I instantly knew it wasn't for me. Nothing lost. eBay is also a good place to buy games.
posted by masters2010 at 9:01 PM on October 1, 2015

Seconding Last of Us. Amazing game.
posted by SarahElizaP at 9:09 PM on October 1, 2015

On the PS4: Borderlands - The Handsome Collection (which is Borderlands 2 and Borderlands the Pre-Sequel together). You don't need to have played Borderlands 1 to get it, but if you've got a PC and are willing to pick up a 360 controller you'll probably be able to get it for a dollar or two in the winter Steam sale. There's a little exploring and RPG-ing in that there are skill trees that can get a little complicated for some classes.

Saint's Row (which combines Saint's Row 4 and Gat Out Of Hell) -- third-person sandbox where you're basically a Batman villain but even more funner than that sounds. Except in 4 you're also President of the US somehow. You don't need to have played Saint's Row 2 and 3*; they explain what plot there is as they go. But SR2 and 3 will also probably be on sale for $little during the winter Steam sale. Saint's Row has the MOST BESTEST character creation ever. You want to be a wicked fat dude who talks like a kinda-ghetto Latina? You can do that. Emaciated woman who swishes around but talks like a British gangster man? You want your dude to put on a dress or your chick to put on a lumberjack outfit? They got you, man. I played most of Saint's Row 2 in a hot dog suit, and 3 mostly as a purple Hulk wearing bootie shorts and a variety of fascinating headgear. Also you can give them FANTASTIC crazy-eyes.

Not out yet, but the early looks at Just Cause 3 claim it's as fun as Just Cause 2 was. (plot: You're an asshole who wants to fuck shit up, because meow meow CIA meow).

*Saint's Row 1 is, I gather, something that exists and that was a not-much-fun clone of Grand Theft Auto; Saint's Row as it exists started with 2
posted by ROU_Xenophobe at 10:04 PM on October 1, 2015

Just from the way you're talking, I'm less sanguine about The Last of Us. It's a GREAT game. Really. But it's not exactly super-fun. Obviously this is just me, but I'm not good at sneaking around people so I had to keep killing them, and when you kill people it upsets Ellie. I ended up putting the game away about 90% through (just about got to the hospital-ey place?) because it was more upsetting than fun.
posted by ROU_Xenophobe at 10:08 PM on October 1, 2015

(obvs you can play Borderlands 1 on a pc with keyboard and mouse too; I was just assuming hooking it up to the tv)
posted by ROU_Xenophobe at 10:09 PM on October 1, 2015

Nthing the Last of Us--it's fantastic, if probably not quite what you're looking for. Wolfenstein the New Order is a super fun alternate history WW2-ish FPS. I had a ball playing Shadow of Mordor, a third person action game with a fun 'nemesis' mechanic, which rewards dying during combat with enemies that grow and recognize you when you come back. You can also get very involved in internal orc violence politics. It's fun.
posted by lovecrafty at 12:19 AM on October 2, 2015

posted by PenDevil at 12:24 AM on October 2, 2015

Thanks everyone for the game guidance (and master2010 for the used game tip). AskMeFi is great!

Of course, it's going to take me a bit to digest all of this. But that's why I asked this before a weekend, so hopefully by Monday I will be able to pick some best answers and give feedback on what I especially liked.
posted by forthright at 4:51 AM on October 2, 2015

I've been hearing a lot of suggestions that Destiny is actually really good as a "casual" FPS, especially with the new DLC which fixes a lot of the problems people had with the game at launch. It's a multiplayer/online thing, though, so if that's not your thing then it may not be a good choice for you.
posted by backseatpilot at 5:20 AM on October 2, 2015

Rocket League (discussed here) is absurdly fun.
posted by A Thousand Baited Hooks at 5:56 AM on October 2, 2015

No one's recommended the Tomb Raider reboot yet?!?
It follows a pretty straight forward plot, you don't have to wander around and look for quests or side missions. The combat on casual is very easy, but there are fun Quicktime events where you're hurtling through a burning temple, or falling down a mountain and have to respond by pressing the buttons on the screen.
The sequel is coming soon, although it will be on XB One first, don't know when it's coming to PS4.
posted by saffry at 7:03 AM on October 2, 2015

No one has recommended Wolfenstein yet?

There are two (pseudo) sequels to Wolfenstein on the PS4: The New Order (which is a full retail release, but cheap now) and The Old Blood (which is a stand-alone prequel/expansion and is $20 on PSN) both of which are AMAZINGLY great. Just a wonderful world, great action set pieces, and really well-written characters. The default difficulty is... difficult, but there are two easier options, and the second-easiest one is still challenging without being abusive.
posted by Oktober at 7:59 AM on October 2, 2015

I'm an older (54) gamer as well with a PS4.

I've enjoyed the following action/shooter games:
- Various incarnations of Borderlands (as already mentioned) -- I've played this on several platforms and several times through. Cartoony, goofy, with all sorts of crazy loot.
- Right now I'm really enjoying Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. I play it mostly sneaky/sniping.
- The Last of Us is more story than a lot of shooter games, but good.
- I had a lot of fun with Infamous: Second Son until I got stuck about 3/4 of the way through the game. Since this is an older release, you can probably pick it up used for cheap.

Ok games:
- Assassin's Creed and Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor and Batman: Arkham Knight. While set in different worlds (obviously) they all seem similar with many different things to do, sneaking around, collectibles, etc... All have been out for a while so can be picked up used, I would imagine.

I didn't care for:
- Bloodborne -- too challenging for me.
- Destiny -- I played it when it first came out and it just seemed kind of boring. I understand it is a much different game these days however.

As far as digital versus physical, after being very disappointed with my day 1 Destiny purchase, I will always buy physical. We have several GameStops close by and they have games day 1 plus you can sell them back if you don't like them plus they have used games. They seem to have a lot better selection than Best Buy at least in my area (Portland, OR).
posted by elmay at 8:54 AM on October 2, 2015

Nthing gamestop...all my games are used and/or $20 or less (i don't have to have the latest game that just came out)
nthing borderlands, really fun and 12-yr-old meth-head demolitions expert ever
nthing tomb raider and the last of us (so. Scary.deeply. unsettling.)
IIRC, the uncharted collection just came out...that's a really fun series (there's 3 and 4 very soon) being in an Indiana Jones movie...lots of shooting henchmen and exciting things exploding.
fallout 4 get here soon! I am saving my pennies and breaking my $20 limit for that one...fallout 3 and fallout NV were such weird fun.
When I'm at gamestop, I'll often check the Wikipedia page for a game I'm not sure about. Another good resource is youtube...just put in [game name] and "let's play" ...let's play videos are people playing all the way through a's good for a sample.
posted by sexyrobot at 9:28 AM on October 2, 2015

EDF!!! EDF!!! EDF!!!

The articles are about an earlier title in the series because the massively improved, translated PS4 version will only be released in the West in about a month, but I've already played the Japanese version and can confirm it's excellent.
posted by Bangaioh at 9:56 AM on October 2, 2015

For a no-nonsense FPS, go with Wolfenstein.

If you also like classic arcade-style action games, Super Stardust Ultra is basically Asteroids (but fun), Utratron and Helldivers are twin-stick shooters in the vein of Robotron, and Gauntlet: Slayer Edition updates classic Gauntlet. All of these games are available as downloads through the Playstation store.
posted by Boxenmacher at 11:53 AM on October 2, 2015

I'm 44. I've been playing Destiny just about exclusively for the last year.

Pros :
I love the shooting mechanics of it.
It can be visually stunning.
You can play through the story on your own at your own pace.
Then you can play strikes until the cows come home. It automatically matches you with 2 similar level players and you join forces to destroy a big bullet-sponge boss (or two)

The grind. Farming for materials. A year ago, I couldn't tell you how many hours I spent running around a circuit continually picking up resources. I think the focus might have shifted away from that with the newer releases.
You can't really do raids, which is kinda the highlight of the game, until you're right at the top of the skill tree, and you need a team of 6, and there's no matchmaking in raids so you have to find 5 other people to play with.
It can be very confusing working out what resources' purposes are, and it doesn't help that they keep changing the rules.
You spend a lot of time managing inventory,which is a pain, but can be slightly less painful if you do it from the Bungie website using a laptop or PC.

I'm neither recommending it for you or not. Just explaining my experiences :)
posted by Diag at 6:50 PM on October 3, 2015

48 Y/O. I bought a PS4 on Black Friday last year.
Nthing several of the recommendations already listed.
I have really enjoyed Diablo III. Mostly solo, but it has the ability to play with 3 additional people local on the same screen. (Couch Co-op)
Borderlands The Handsome Collection. FPS with a very good story, the ability to play online with other people, and there is a big replay value either with the same character you start with, or with a different class.

Most of the summer I have been playing Destiny. The resent update, 'The Taken King' really improved the universe & game play. The down side is that you really need to 'grind' to get the top gear & it really only works bext when played with others online. Luckily I have a small group of like demographic friends that try to play together at least once a week.
posted by GurnB at 6:11 PM on October 4, 2015

Well, I really found the Game Stop near me to be very helpful and well stocked, with several of the games recommended in this thread in Previously Owned category. So yeah, for $40+ I got two games: Wolfenstein the New Order, and Infamous Second Son. I am considering Tomb Raider but will wait a bit.

Currently, I'm really enjoying Wolfenstein. I picked the middle difficulty level. I still fumble because I am so out of practice and needed to look up some buttons. Yeah, jumping between the planes took me a while but I got it eventually.

The question I asked doesn't lend itself to best answer (I think) because it will take me so long to try out the various games and see which I love. So I picked a couple that recommended Game Stop and watching the "let's play" videos on You Tube, and also one that explained the Wolfenstein difficulty levels.

Just as an aside, when I get the time I really enjoy playing the PS4 because I hook my headphones to the controller and zone the rest of the world out.

Thanks everyone for your time and advice.
posted by forthright at 4:38 AM on October 6, 2015

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