What's the WWE introduction song called?
December 6, 2005 11:39 AM

What is the WWE introduction song called?

There's a song that's been playing during several WWE commercials, with lots of horns. I believe it's the intro song to the show or the official "theme" of WWE, that is to say it's not the intro song to one of the wrestlers. I think i've heard it somewhere before WWE. What's it called? I've checked all the albums I know of.
posted by arimathea to Media & Arts (3 answers total)
The Time is Now.

The first track on the CD. John Cena's theme song. God I wish there was a way to anonymously post this answer.
posted by SeizeTheDay at 11:58 AM on December 6, 2005

SeizeTheDay has the correct answer; incidentally, it is a rapper's intro and is not the theme music to any of the WWE shows.
posted by philulrich at 1:10 PM on December 6, 2005

I used to work for the production music company that provided the music for the WWE. Our discs were not for sale, as they were licensed to countless other nationally broadcast and corporate productions (a WWE wrestler would have the same theme song as, say, an IBM printer sales team presentation to a big client). We would have kids call up and try and trick us into sending on the CD's; there were countless BBS posts on the best way to accomplish this, and who the best person at my company was to try and go through.

My point is though this song might be a recognizable artist, the majority of WWE soundscape is generic, royalty free production music created by some struggling musician who's name you will never know.
posted by remlapm at 1:34 PM on December 6, 2005

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