Help me name my doula business
August 22, 2015 2:42 PM

I'm working to build my doula business. I'm a labor and postpartum doula. And I need a website, which means I need a name. Help me, Metafilter!

I am a big nerd. Unlike many doulas, I am not really woo or into herbs. I don't like a lot of the cutesy names for a lot of doula businesses.

For me, being a doula is like being a guide: I know the territory, and the possible things that can happen while traveling through it. My job is to help new parents along their path, giving them ideas, information and tools to help them with any obstacles along the way. I've been looking for ideas that cover that.

So far, I've been thinking about stars -- I've rejected "North Star Doula" (makes me sound like I'm in Alaska; I'm not) and "Polaris Doula" (feels too technology-y) and "Lodestar Doula" (too close to "lonestar"). I like things that evoke nature, especially geology and astronomy. I don't like cultural appropriation or things that are specific to any particular gender. (No "mother love" or "mother help" or anything like that.)

Can you think of something I haven't thought of?
posted by linettasky to Grab Bag (31 answers total)
Printemps Doula. Printemps is French for "Spring," which is a time of new life and new beginnings.
posted by 4ster at 2:48 PM on August 22, 2015

Nebula Doula. Nebulae are places where stars are born, a stellar nursery.
posted by inturnaround at 3:02 PM on August 22, 2015

Neat question! Here's a list of navigational instruments across history that might inspire you.
posted by zepheria at 3:12 PM on August 22, 2015

One of my favorite constellations is Cassiopeia. The Wikipedia account also talks about Anu, a Celtic fertility goddess. I haven't figured out the connection, but I think both words are nice.
posted by salvia at 3:31 PM on August 22, 2015

If you like "Lodestar", what about "Lodestone?" It's a naturally occurring geological object that can used for wayfinding, and gets across your position as a knowledgeable guide who knows which rock to pick up to make a compass.

I'm a new parent who is glad to have used a doula in spite of the woo, and didn't really know there were any woo-free doulas out there. If I had need of a doula again I would definitely be in your target demographic.
posted by contraption at 3:41 PM on August 22, 2015

Maternity mapper
Natal Navigator
posted by irisclara at 3:43 PM on August 22, 2015

Are you Scandanavian? I sorta love Viking stuff and like the idea of "Sunstone". I like the symbolism behind it for a doula.

Here's a version on etsy...
posted by beccaj at 3:44 PM on August 22, 2015

From a practical point of view, doulas are all hired locally and you might benefit from a name that works with that. I like straightforward names like PDX Doula or Rose City Doula -- it will help people find you if you're intending to market online, and you certainly need to use the word doula.
posted by DarlingBri at 3:48 PM on August 22, 2015

Down-to-Earth Doulas of [City Name].

[Your Name] [City Name's] Down-to-Earth Doula

Pathfinder, [City Name's] Doula Service
posted by MonkeyToes at 4:20 PM on August 22, 2015

Sirius Doula,
Pegasus Doula
Orion Doula
Nova Doula
Compass Doula
posted by carmicha at 4:44 PM on August 22, 2015

I'm with you on the location-based names, but it feels like most of them are taken. It makes sense, though, to append a location.
posted by linettasky at 4:45 PM on August 22, 2015

Nerdy in different dimensions:

My Doula Oblongata?
posted by ROU_Xenophobe at 4:46 PM on August 22, 2015

True North Doula.
posted by amro at 4:46 PM on August 22, 2015

"Doula For You."
posted by taff at 5:00 PM on August 22, 2015

Constellation names are good because they suggest navigation. Cygnus, Indus, Hydra, Virgo... something short and sweet. Admittedly they may seem a little woo but I'd just shrug that off. Nope, no astrology. Just astronomy.
posted by cleroy at 5:06 PM on August 22, 2015

I know carmicha already suggested Compass Doula, but what about Compass Rose Doula? It works in the "Rose City" nickname and describes the place you look on a map to orient yourself, which would fit nicely with your role.
posted by a fiendish thingy at 5:11 PM on August 22, 2015

You write: Unlike many doulas, I am not really woo or into herbs.
That, to me, is what sets you aside.

The star names connotes to astrology for me. Geology could easily venture into crystal-territory.

"No Nonsense Doula"

But then again, I'm not in marketing ;-)
Best of luck.
posted by Thug at 5:12 PM on August 22, 2015

Down to Earth Doula?
posted by anya32 at 5:24 PM on August 22, 2015

If you like the symbology of the North Star, "Guiding Star" would be a good alternative.

On the other hand, when I was considering hiring a doula (in full disclosure, I ended up not doing so), I was drawn more to the ones who advertised themselves by their names, e.g. "Jane Jones, Doula" instead of "Loving Heart Doula" or whatever. I wanted to hire a person and not a business, if that makes sense. Your website could be something like "" or something similarly straightforward.
posted by Metroid Baby at 5:25 PM on August 22, 2015

Right Ascension Doula
posted by Rob Rockets at 5:27 PM on August 22, 2015

Consider going with something that's not such a cute name but that would be extremely appealing to your target audience--e.g., Data Doula or [City Name] Evidence-Based Doula [Practice]. If it's just you in the company, clients will remember and recommend mostly your own name; your doula practice name doesn't need to be a great "household name" choice. But the company name is a great way to signal what you're committing to and what sets you apart.

(Me: scientist mama who managed to scrape up funds, as an undergrad, to pay a student doula, because there was such overwhelming evidence that it was single most effective thing in my power to do. She was amazing.)
posted by cogitron at 5:45 PM on August 22, 2015

I am in your target demo, in that I hired a non-woo doula. (Yeah, you!)

If you advertised by anything else BUT your name, I would likely skip past you, as I associate names like you are looking at with woo doulas. But maybe that's not true in your location. If you can get [linettasky], I'd go for that honestly. While you aren't a trained medical professional, I think you want to convey something adjacent/complementary to that: professional, competent, knowledgeable, caring, etc. The vast majority of these names don't convey that to me. On preview I like Evidence-Based Doula the most.
posted by emkelley at 5:48 PM on August 22, 2015

As a non-woo person, part of the appeal of my doula was that she just did business with her name and NOT as Unsettling Connotations Mommy Services. (She is a hippie, but a no-nonsense one; her other job was tending bar.) Is available? First or last or both.
posted by tchemgrrl at 5:49 PM on August 22, 2015

ACME doula service.
posted by bonobothegreat at 6:19 PM on August 22, 2015

Can Doula.
posted by michaelh at 7:01 PM on August 22, 2015

I am your target demographic. All of the star/constellation names make me think woo. Another vote for your name + soul a and maybe a location based identifier, and call it a day.
posted by peanut_mcgillicuty at 7:05 PM on August 22, 2015

Bed Squadron Leader.
posted by Kabanos at 7:09 PM on August 22, 2015

I would say your name works best or location; you don't need a business name unless it was a group of doulas (in which case, I would make it something like [Constellation] Doulas of [Town].

Doulas thrive on word of mouth. Someone will have an easier time telling potential clients about you by your name than by anything else.

So maybe "Firstname Lastname: South County Doula" then have a tagline like "An Experienced Guide for Your Birth".
posted by emjaybee at 7:17 PM on August 22, 2015

You all are awesome. I wanted doula[linettasky].com, but that's taken, but maybe doula[linettasky] would work. I'm taking what you're saying to heart about keeping it simple and straightforward. Thank you!
posted by linettasky at 8:29 PM on August 22, 2015

Another in your target demo who would only like to hire "Jane Linettasky, Doula."

If you were Shining Light Doula of the Night Sky or whatever, and I had hired you because you were my SIL's cousin and you seemed nice, and it turned you were kick-ass fantastic? You would not get as much word of mouth from me because I would just want to say "Look up Jane Linettasky" instead of dealing with having to remember some flaky name, which implies flakiness, and which might implicate me in woo.

("Evidence-Based Doula Practice" on your card would excite me, and after I had my baby I would ask you for extra cards so I could hand them out to steer friends away from your woo competitors.)
posted by kmennie at 8:43 PM on August 22, 2015

By Your Side Doula. By your side, evidence-based guide.
posted by alltomorrowsparties at 2:14 AM on August 23, 2015

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