Best Android Games 2015 edition
August 4, 2015 3:35 AM   Subscribe

I am looking for Android games, especially Tower Defense and FPS games, but with some limitations.

I need some Android games desperately for the times when I travel and I don't want to do any work-related tasks. My key criteria:

1. Tower Defense and FPS games (where I am more or less static)
2. I am willing to pay for the game, but I hate games where you need in-app purchases to play well. I should be able to earn stuff through the game
3. Game developers should be from the US/Canada/Western Europe primarily - Nothing racist about it, but shady developers from Russia, Cyprus and some other countries have been known to include malware in their games. I am willing to stand corrected though
4. Permissions should be limited to what the game needs - some developers ask for all the permissions Android can give!
5. The game needs to be played offline, without any internet connection

Miniclip has some great games on their website, but doesn't have them as apps.
posted by theobserver to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (5 answers total) 16 users marked this as a favorite
rymdkapsel is worth considering. Not a Tower Defense game - it's a 'minimalist RTS', but the gameplay is excellent.
posted by pipeski at 3:50 AM on August 4, 2015

Best answer: My husband loves tower defense and hates in-app pay-to-win. On the recommendation of MeFi, I got him Quadropus Rampage, a persistent-upgrade roguelike hack-n-slash. He also really enjoys another game by Butterscotch Games called Towelfight 2.

He played Bloons TD5 a ton - I got it free through the Amazon Free App of the Day.
posted by bookdragoness at 7:11 AM on August 4, 2015

Best answer: The awesome thing about Bloons TD5 is that they keep dropping new content. I think I bought it a couple years ago and every month or so there's another level or three added. I've never done any in-app purchases.

I've gotten the Anomaly games as part of the Humble Bundles, and they're interesting due to the reverse-TD nature.
posted by Runes at 9:16 AM on August 4, 2015

Best answer: The Kingdom Rush games. Yes, you can buy different heroes or more gems, but I've played them for years without ever doing either. They are really, really good tower defense games.
posted by rachelpapers at 11:33 AM on August 4, 2015

Best answer: You must get kingdom rush games. They are the most well put together TD games I've played on android. Yes, you have to buy them, but they are really good and I've definitely played through them multiple times.
kingdom rush

anomaly is good, a reverse TD where you try and take down the towers by defining your path and creepers. I got this through a humble mobile bundle, so you might find a good deal on it somewhere other than the play store.
Anomaly Warzone
posted by kookywon at 11:45 AM on August 4, 2015 [1 favorite]

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