Did I mess up this salary negotiation?
July 31, 2015 5:00 PM

Moving from NYC to Minneapolis, had a great job interview and was offered a job! Yay! But I may have REALLY messed up the salary negotiation and lowballed myself. (more inside)

The first conversation, on Thursday, she offered me a job at X amount of dollars, but I said I would like to call her in 24 hours to talk again. The next day, she was driving back from a vacation when we were on the phone. I rebutted with x.50 which is what I THOUGHT was appropriate. Upon reassessment this evening, the numbers don't add up, and I need to be making like 15-20% more than I asked for. I asked her to send me something in writing next week. Am I totally f-d on this transaction? The setting is really relaxed and flexible, plus the informality of the conversation we had leads me to believe I can play this off. I really lowballed myself in terms of average salary in my field, and probably came off looking like a total rookie anyway that I may be able to have her accept my more realistic bid. Help me PLEASE!
posted by Kestrelxo to Work & Money (3 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
ASAP, before you get a written offer, email her explaining that you calculated wrong and are asking for $Y instead. That way it won't look like a counteroffer, just a correction to your original number.
posted by chickenmagazine at 5:10 PM on July 31, 2015

Yeah, nothing for it but calling back immediately. It's not too late to do it right now, but no later than tomorrow midday.
posted by Etrigan at 6:14 PM on July 31, 2015

Yes, just contact her immediately. I kind of did that once. I didn't know you were supposed to negotiate (it was one of my first jobs) and I said "sure!" I called back and I had to say, actually after looking at the scope of the job and relocating I needed more. I asked for more than I wanted, knowing I wouldn't get it, but I got a bonus which I wouldn't have gotten without asking. I agree -- make it seem like a correction and not a counteroffer or milking for more money but doing it asap.
posted by AppleTurnover at 9:18 PM on July 31, 2015

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