DC Housing, Green line edition
July 30, 2015 8:30 AM   Subscribe

I'm now working near Navy Yard in Southeast DC, and the extended commute from Northern Virginia is wearing thin on me. Outside of the area immediately near my office, I know nothing about what's going on in Southeast DC and Maryland. What neighborhoods should I be looking at?

I am a middle-aged queer professional used to commuting in from the burbs. I'm fine with driving. I currently pay $1,500 a month for a 1BR near Tyson's, and really love the up-and-coming feel of the neighborhood and access to the Beltway and I-66.

There's lots of new construction within walking distance of my office, but it seems a bit pricey to me.

My impression of most of the Green Line-accessible neighborhoods on the southeast side of town is that they're in a bit of a "pre-gentrification" stage.
posted by QuantumMeruit to Home & Garden (13 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
You might look around Ft Totten. It's on both the red and the green lines, has some amenities near by, and has recently built up apartments in addition to older apartments.
posted by OmieWise at 8:37 AM on July 30, 2015 [1 favorite]

If you walk just a few more blocks from your office to the other side of 395, you'll be in historic Capitol Hill, which is not cheap, but generally significantly less than the new construction, especially if you're willing to get a basement apartment. Or if you're willing to drive another mile, you can be further north and/or east on the Hill, with correspondingly lower prices. And if you don't want to drive, you can the the 90/92 bus, which goes the heart of Capitol Hill down 8th St, to 8th and M SE, which probably is about a 5-10 minute walk from your work.
posted by Mr.Know-it-some at 8:47 AM on July 30, 2015

Waterfront is also pretty up and coming, with lots of new development and new construction going up. It's in Southwest, but there's a green line stop there and Navy Yard is only 2 miles away.
posted by Karaage at 9:29 AM on July 30, 2015

I actually am a big fan of the neighborhoods along the green line. I used to live near the Mt. Vernon Square Metro which was so convenient to Logan Circle, 14th St NW, and downtown. More recently, I lived in Shaw which I also loved. Specifically, I was in Ledroit Park which is an adorable neighborhood. And I really like the area around the southwest waterfront - Yards Park is great. The Fort Totten area is "pre-gentrification," as you say, and there are a lot of really nice houses around there. You could also potentially find a nice place in Mt. Pleasant and walk to the Columbia Heights Metro. A friend of mine loves living in Petworth but I'm still not too psyched about it.
posted by kat518 at 9:38 AM on July 30, 2015

I agree with Mr.Know-it-some. For that money I'd rent an English basement apartment in or near Capitol Hill (say somewhere between 11th St SE/NE and RFK stadium) that would put you very near work, shopping, and dozens of restaurants (Barracks Row and H St.), and avoid having to rely on driving or metrorail. If you do want to get somewhere in a car, that part of town has good freeway access to 295/695.
posted by exogenous at 9:43 AM on July 30, 2015

Yeah, the biggest up-and-coming DC neighborhood is "Hill East" which is RFK and its environs. It's not Green Line but you're okay with driving. Unfortunately, you'll also have to drive to get to groceries and restaurants/bars, so if you want more convenience for that stuff, I'd also go north a bit and check out the H St corridor. It's not metro accessible at all, though, but I wouldn't recommend banking on metro anyway, as it just lost a ton of federal funding and is taking a steep dive downhill in terms of quality. I would agree with others that there are several neighborhoods on the Yellow/Green Line in NW worth looking into - Petworth, Park View, Bloomingdale/Eckington, and the aforementioned Shaw/Mt. Vernon Square. Lots of things to do, metro accessible for the most part, easy to get to groceries and all that stuff.

Navy Yard itself has a lot of great places but $1500 for a 1BR is going to be tough. They're all full of "luxury" units. Your 1BRs are going to start at $1700 and go up from there. You might be able to get a studio for $1500. I'm similarly skeptical as to whether you will find anything affordable in Logan Circle/the 14th St Corridor. I searched long and hard because I really wanted to live there, and I found some weird basements in that price range but that's about it.
posted by capricorn at 11:03 AM on July 30, 2015

the biggest up-and-coming DC neighborhood is "Hill East" which is RFK and its environs. ... Unfortunately, you'll also have to drive to get to groceries and restaurants/bars

I live in Hill East and never drive to restaurants/bars — I bicycle or walk. Lots of bike lanes around (E. Capitol, Mass. Ave., 11th, 14th, etc.).
posted by exogenous at 12:26 PM on July 30, 2015

You may consider Mt. Rainier, Hyattsville or Riverdale Park in MD - there are a few green line stops in the area, a short drive to Silver Spring or Takoma Park. The areas have a lot of art/creativity happening so there are some great art spaces, food options, a lot of diversity. I have a lot of queer-identified friends who love living in those neighborhoods.
posted by anya32 at 12:45 PM on July 30, 2015

A friend of mine loves living in Petworth but I'm still not too psyched about it.

I am not kat518's friend and I love living in Petworth. I'd call it in the upswing of gentrification rather than pre-. Still a lot of folks who have been there for decades, so a nice neighborhood feel, and new places to eat opening every few months.
posted by solotoro at 1:00 PM on July 30, 2015

I don't know if it'd be convenient for you but how about looking into neighborhoods in Prince George's County, Maryland, such as Mt. Rainier, Brentwood or Hyattsville? They're affordable with a great community feel while being literally right across the DC line.
posted by smorgasbord at 5:05 PM on July 30, 2015

Best answer: SW DC resident here. Been here 4 years, wife has been here for 15.

You're okay with driving...the problem is parking. It's all Zone 6 around here which means you can park pretty much anywhere on the street or The Hill, but finding spaces can be tough. You really don't want to drive if you live in the area. Bike or walk.

Apartments on the east side of the ballpark - toward Navy Yard - are new and shiny and expensive. They're a bit cheaper if you go west of the ballpark toward Waterfront - in fact, just about everything west of the ballpark in SW will be cheaper than in SE, until you get east of 11th or so going along M Street; eastern border of the Yard.

If you want to go a little bit more toward Waterfront, take a look at the properties along I street between 4th and 7th SW. Potomac Place (4th and I) is a LARGE condo building but there are LOTS of rentals there which are decently priced for the area. You're actually going to do better on rent with the private condos (in my opinion) because they're competing with all the new large apartment buildings (Camden S. Capitol, SkyHouse DC, etc) for renters. You should be able to find a 1BR or a large Studio for $1500-$1900 which might include a parking space.
posted by Thistledown at 6:08 AM on July 31, 2015

Best answer: I have also heard of numerous rentals in River Park, which is 4th and M/ M and Delaware Ave also. Other popular buildings where people are renting include Tiber Island and Waterside. You might wanna hoof it a bit to get a sense of things. MeMail me if you want some further info.
posted by Thistledown at 6:10 AM on July 31, 2015

Response by poster: Thistledown, too funny. I had actually gone apartment-hunting down by Waterfront before seeing your post. I wound up signing a lease for a place in Tiber Island.
posted by QuantumMeruit at 8:46 AM on August 14, 2015

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