How can I get into Gaming Journalism?
June 19, 2015 5:41 AM

How can I get into Gaming Journalism this day in age where there is so many sites and sources about Gaming news?

I know this was asked in 2006, but as someone who is starting to get really into gaming news and reviews I want to know where I can go to get my foot in the door, even if it is just for fun, and how I can learn more about gaming developers and publishers as well as where I can get the most recent news and keep up to date on gaming news.
posted by JefferyDPerry to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Gamasutra is still an invaluable resource, and since they do a lot of interviews, etc. reading it will clue you in to other blogs that you could be following. Once you find writers and devs whom you respect, I recommend following them on Twitter, and see whom they follow.

To do this professionally, you will at some point need to convince someone that you can write regularly and at a professional level. You'll need to have previous examples of writing to show. Write articles on Medium or a personal blog, and have someone edit them so that they appear professional and not like personal blog ramblings. Find places that accept unsolicited submissions. These places don't necessarily have to be about video games. If you read a site regularly, and they accept submissions, you can probably figure out a way that the site's interests and video games intersect and write about that.
posted by tofu_crouton at 6:16 AM on June 19, 2015

Listen and follow goods games journalism. Write, write, write. Make sure that you write in places where people can read and criticise your writing. Demonstrate an ability to write good copy. Do not go in thinking that you can make a living from this, many very talented writers have had a difficulty doing so.
posted by Cannon Fodder at 6:52 AM on June 19, 2015

I'm one of the founding bloggers at Opposable Thumbs. I got my break because I was neighbors/friends with the editorial staff (and got right back out because even if it wasn't called GamerGate a decade ago, it was there). MeMail me and I'll see if my colleagues would be amenable to doing informational interviews.
posted by evoque at 7:13 AM on June 19, 2015

Do you write? Do you want to do videos? Do you live and breathe games journalism? Because you are trying to get into a business every man and there dog thinks they are an expert on. So what are you bringing to the table that is different, because that's what you are going to have to sell. Then start a website or YouTube channel or twitch feed and work your ass off. Get enough followers, show you can produce well edited content regularly then start submitting to any where you can get your name out there. Network, network, network with other journalists in your preferred media. Get a reputation and then approach companies for pre release copies of games to review, get enough of a following and you won't have to ask they'll offer.
posted by wwax at 7:50 AM on June 19, 2015

Focus on games by smaller companies, at first. I mean, review whatever you want, but keep an eye on the indie/small company scene and reach out to whoever looks contactable at those - sometimes it's a PR or Marketing person, sometimes it's just whoever's manning the forums. Small companies are always delighted by press attention of whatever kind, and will generally be happy to send you some info or do a brief email interview, or even just add you to their PR mailing list. Even if they don't or can't do much the first time, you'll be a familiar name down the road.

I am informed that Twitch is the current hotness, and popular streamers are getting attention as desirable media contacts. It's not the only way, but it's a decent way, especially if you take some time to follow the bigger names and figure out what's working for them. YouTube is another avenue if you have interest in being a voice/face personality.

Once you have a few things of whatever media up that you're proud of, keep an eye out at whatever gaming site you follow for job openings, or even drop them a line and see if they want another stringer. I'm no longer up on which sites are hot for which segments, but almost everyone I know in the press started out as a volunteer for Stratics or TenTonHammer or whatever. (My experience is solely in online games, mind you.) The contacts you'll make under a well-known banner are infinitely valuable.

Also, learn how to do an interview. It's not a skill I possess, so I can't say much more than that, but there's a tremendous difference between an interview by someone who doesn't know much about your game, didn't bother to research, and hasn't thought of any interesting questions beforehand, and the opposite of that.
posted by restless_nomad at 10:49 AM on June 19, 2015

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