Psychiatrist recommendations for anxiety in Atlanta
June 5, 2015 1:20 PM

Does anyone have any personal recommendations for a good psychiatrist for long term anxiety treatment (think: SSRIs) in the Atlanta area?

I am going to be venturing into the realm of longer term anxiety meds for the very first time and am looking for someone who is compassionate, a good listener, and very knowledgeable about anxiety meds. I briefly discussed anxiety meds with a wonderful psychiatrist from my school but can no longer see her because I graduated. What I liked about her: excellent listener, extremely patient (answered all of my questions and even probed for additional questions to make sure we were covering all of my concerns). Did not push me to go in any specific direction while still making recommendations, repeatedly asked if I had questions or concerns, was able to explain how the meds worked in a way I could understand, was able to provide reading recommendations, and provided resources for further exploring the subject. Overall seemed like she genuinely cared about helping me feel comfortable with my prospective treatment protocol and about helping to answer all of my (very detailed) questions. By sharp contrast, I initially went to someone else who seemed first and foremost concerned about getting paid and who did not really offer any comforting words or intentionally create a safe space that encouraged questions and discussion. I had a few recommendations, but unfortunately all are not taking new patients at the moment, and after having had such a bad experience with the first person I went to see (she was very distant and kind of treated me like a case study), I am wary of repeating the same experience and wasting time, money, and energy. Thanks!!
posted by anonymous to Health & Fitness (1 answer total)
No personal recommendations, but I think it would be most important how you feel upon meeting and working with a psychiatrist. Trust you. My 2 cents would be:

It is a very important process to take on by yourself to find and select a new psychiatrist/therapist and get engaged in a new treatment with them again. It actually probably will take some time, money and energy. But that is the taking good care of yourself that will keep you in the safe place you need to be in. It is not a quick fix and that should be fine, because you are looking into a longterm treatment, so you want to take care and be thorough and invest, right?

- take the recommendations and inquire about initial contact just to see if there is a good connection, they have the requirements you stated above. And then see if they can put you on their waitinglist (put yourself on multiple waitinglists, don't hesitate there, you can call them off once you are content in treatment).
- a psychiatrist who works together with a psychotherapist (in a center) might be a good option to consider for you. Not all psychiatrists have the psychotherapeutic approach/skills that you obviously are looking for.
- could you ask your former schoolpsychiatrist for recommendations according to your needs, or have you already? She will be in a professional network, know how some colleagues work.
- check out the local psychiatry association (APA, I think?) or just googlemaps in your area (it is nice not to have to travel too far, especially in times where you are more anxious) and see a couple of them for a first meeting to see if you connect and explain what you are looking for.

It's a project but you're worth it! And it will give you some control during the anxiety of changing psychiatrists, that can be a hard time to go through. You sound like you are very aware, verbal and clear about what you need and that is a very good starting point for this search.
posted by Dutchmeisje at 5:39 AM on June 21, 2015

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