How to convert xml file into vzm file
June 3, 2015 6:42 PM

I recently switched from a Samsung Galaxy 3 over to a Droid Turbo, but am having problems getting my text messages to transfer. I think the problem is that my old messages were saved on on the sim card as xml files and now the new phone saves messages as vzm files. Is there a way to convert them? Thank you in advance!
posted by carnivoregiraffe to Technology (1 answer total)
If you still have your old phone and it works, turn on the wifi and download one of the many SMS Backup apps available from the Play Store. Some backup to your GMail account, others can create a local file on your phone. Most Android phones actually store SMS/MMS messages on the phone, not the SIM card, so even if your SIM was removed you can probably still access and backup your messages.

Once you've backed up your messages in the cloud or to a local file, install the same app on your new phone, copy over the local archive file from the old phone if necessary, and tell it to restore the messages. This is how I keep my messages every time I install a new ROM, do a factory reset, or get a new phone.
posted by trivia genius at 6:15 AM on June 4, 2015

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