A Catalogue of Novelties
May 29, 2015 8:40 AM

What's your favorite online store (or other source) that puts out well-chosen lists of new stuff (books, music, or anything else) on a weekly or monthly basis?

By way of example:

-Aquarius Records in San Francisco publishes a fantastic new arrivals list every couple of weeks with idiosyncratic descriptions of their latest stock, focusing on anything psych/metal/drone/noise/weird.
-The WFMU heavily played lists are more eclectic, but without those great capsule reviews.
-The Seminary Co-op bookstore puts out weekly lists of new arrivals - the Co-op list is mostly academic nonfiction, and the 57th St list is a good mix of novels and less hardcore nonfiction, although it hasn't been updated since February for some reason.

I bet there are a million little stores putting out lists like this, and you should tell me about them! The more weirdly specific, the better. Extra points if they write their own descriptions instead of using the publisher or label blurbs. Doesn't have to be media, I'd be all over This Month's Best Tablesaws or whatever.
posted by theodolite to Grab Bag (4 answers total) 10 users marked this as a favorite
Well...not sure if this fits, but canopy.co is a site that curates items of beautiful design that are available on Amazon.
posted by BlahLaLa at 9:05 AM on May 29, 2015

Not really that specific or unknown, but what about the new favourites page from Powell's Books? I'm not that familiar with it so I don't know if it's updated weekly (although the copy says that they review books weekly)
posted by quaking fajita at 9:24 AM on May 29, 2015

Atomic Books (owned by John Waters) is my go-to for browsing eclectic new titles and they put up regular blog posts on new arrivals. They focus on Baltimore-related media fairly frequently, but I think it's a good resource in general, especially if you're interested in comics and zines.
posted by veery at 11:25 AM on May 29, 2015

Quitokeeto sends out monthly-ish (usually less frequently) email updates of new items in stock. From their about: QUITOKEETO is an online purveyor of items worth owning - a short list of new, found, and collaborative items thoughtfully crafted. They're all too high priced for me, but I love looking at the pictures and hearing about them. Primarily kitchen things.
posted by carrioncomfort at 11:56 AM on May 30, 2015

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