Stuck in Denver airport overnight. Advice?
May 19, 2015 7:25 PM   Subscribe

Getting through the night at the airport. Advice welcome.
posted by harrietthespy to Travel & Transportation (21 answers total)
Best answer: 1) find the floor

2) lie on floor

3) sleep fitfully

Have you tried asking your airline staff for a free hotel room? If so, and assuming they said something like "lololol no," I don't really see any better alternative. Sorry :(
posted by Juffo-Wup at 7:28 PM on May 19, 2015

Best answer: Sleeping in Airports: Denver
posted by grouse at 7:28 PM on May 19, 2015 [8 favorites]

Best answer: Not much advice but I'm stuck in the Ft Lauderdale airport tonight! Solidarity!

Oh, I did think of something. Go find the toy store that is on the second floor. There are some good spots around there in that "upper deck" area where you could stretch out and get some sleep.
posted by dawkins_7 at 7:30 PM on May 19, 2015 [6 favorites]

Best answer: Second floor of terminal B may have some reasonably low trafficked areas in which you can snooze. Otherwise? Catch a bus into the city and burn some time in LoDo or similar. Easy to find a coffee shop and street life. Although with the current and unusual rain, street life may be minimal.

The airport is waaaay out there and there's currently not much other than the airport.
posted by u2604ab at 7:31 PM on May 19, 2015

Best answer: Smile super big and go ask the counter about passes to the premier lounge (may not be open all night though, and/or might cost you some money but definitely less than a hotel at the airport).

Also, check out the conspiracies. Try to get in good with the New World Order!
posted by Lyn Never at 7:38 PM on May 19, 2015 [4 favorites]

Best answer: Make another airport music video?
posted by jenfullmoon at 7:43 PM on May 19, 2015

Best answer: Lie down sideways across a row of seats. Use whatever bag you have with you as a pillow. Wallow in self pity. Think about what a good story this will make.
posted by MexicanYenta at 7:54 PM on May 19, 2015 [4 favorites]

Best answer: Is it due to a delayed or cancelled flight? If so, check the credit card you used to pay for your airline ticket. Some credit cards have a delayed trip protection. For example, my Chase Sapphire Preferred has delay protection for meals and lodging up to $500 per ticket. Looks like the Ritz Carlton is going for $399 tonight, leaving you $101 to spend if you have a card with similar features.
posted by nathanm at 8:02 PM on May 19, 2015 [3 favorites]

Response by poster: No rooms in Denver. Wallowing sounds good. Thanks!
posted by harrietthespy at 8:09 PM on May 19, 2015

Best answer: Smile super big and go ask the counter about passes to the premier lounge

I believe the only lounges in DEN are the Admiral's Club and United Club (two of them). AFAIK neither is open all night, though some may be open until midnight or so. They're decent places to hang out (I have memberships to both), but if you have to pay for a day pass, it's probably not worth it for the 2 hours or so you'd get before they close.
posted by primethyme at 8:10 PM on May 19, 2015

Best answer: (Also, I'm assuming you're talking about tonight. On the extremely off chance that you're talking about tomorrow night, I'll actually be flying through Denver and would be happy to guest you into a United Club.)
posted by primethyme at 8:11 PM on May 19, 2015

Response by poster: Thanks for the offer prime thyme. But it's tonight.
posted by harrietthespy at 8:13 PM on May 19, 2015

Best answer: How early do you have to catch a flight?

I know we're internet strangers and I'm sorry to say you'd have to sleep on a sleeping pad on the floor in a sleeping bag (we're in the midst of moving) but you're welcome to crash at our house if your flight isn't too early. (The earliness itself isn't so much as issue as being able to get a ride to the airport in the morning; we could get you to LoDo to catch a bus or taxi but have work.)

I'm about 30 minutes away and could pick you up if need be (I'm a woman). Memail me if you're interested.

Otherwise, yeah, seconding the upper floor of the B concourse. It's quiet up there and there are places to actually stretch out.
posted by barchan at 8:14 PM on May 19, 2015 [7 favorites]

Response by poster: Thanks barchan. Early flight. Good luck moving. We are doing that soon.
posted by harrietthespy at 8:31 PM on May 19, 2015

Best answer: I have done that before. It sucks, sorry. Ask the airline or airport staff if they might see fit to provide a fold out cot for you and a blanket. Much more comfortable than the floor, and the three times I've asked it was never a problem. And yea, wedge it in a quiet spot, stash your stuff under you, and try to sleep.
posted by gemmy at 8:34 PM on May 19, 2015

Best answer: Sure thing. We're up for a little while longer if you change your mind; I travel a lot so I know how much it sucks.

One thing I would suggest if you're traveling with bags that aren't comfortable to sleep with (like as a pillow) is to stow 'em for the night; to me half the uneasiness of trying to sleep is half awake awareness-worry that someone might try to take off with them no matter how safe the airport is. There's a baggage center in the main terminal which closes at 10 PM and reopens at 6 (if that's early enough) but I don't know how much it costs - it's called Airport Baggage Center, 303-342-5858.
posted by barchan at 8:44 PM on May 19, 2015 [2 favorites]

Best answer: Agree on the B mezzanine, or C terminal which is almost all Southwest—if you can sleep sitting up, SW gates have big comfy club chairs with charging outlets. There's also a low-traffic-even-during-the-day appendix terminal at the east end of B for smaller planes, if you need to go somewhere quieter. But I find it much easier to sleep in public areas if I don't feel exposed, so if I had to sleep at DIA I would actually probably ignore all my advice above and camp out at any gate behind the agent desk, in that space between the booth back and the glass wall. There won't be much activity or light outside on the tarmac after midnight, and the booth wall will give you some privacy. It'll be a little chillier back there, so definitely ask for a blanket/pillow.

If you smoke, DIA is one of the few US airports with a smoking lounge (C mezzanine) but it closes early (on the other hand, it opens at 6!). Fortunately though there is one 24-hour security checkpoint (the south one) so you can step out and come back in.

Finally—this is probably bad form but the family bathrooms at DIA are huge and clean (actually everything is mostly pretty clean at DIA). So tomorrow morning before there's a lot of traffic duck into one and take your time, it's tough to feel human after bad sleep in street clothes. Brush your teeth, wash your face, comb your hair, everything you would do on a normal morning. Get some baby wipes and give yourself a once-over, you'll feel 100% better.

Travel safe!
posted by peachfuzz at 9:11 PM on May 19, 2015 [2 favorites]

Wear layers. It gets cold in airports at night, especially on cold floors. Better to layer up than to be in that half-awake-with-cold-but-not-awake-enough-to-fix-it state.
posted by aniola at 9:30 PM on May 19, 2015

Response by poster: Um, I'm at the airport already in just a thin shirt and pants. And yes, it's freezing in here.
posted by harrietthespy at 2:33 AM on May 20, 2015

Does the airline you're with have an open ticket counter on the concourse? Ask for a blanket!
posted by DarlingBri at 2:39 AM on May 20, 2015

How did it go? I woke up in the middle of the night in my cozy bed and thought of you, hoping that you weren't too cold and sad...
posted by gemmy at 7:03 PM on May 20, 2015 [2 favorites]

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