Recommendations for webbased timetracker for multiple people and projects?
November 26, 2005 2:13 PM

Low cost time tracker, web based, for multiple people, multiple projects, and multiple rates billed. I'd really prefer webbased, as we're all working in different countries. Either hosted, or something we install on our own server.

For example :
Morgan works for me on three or four projects - design projects are X/hr, text projects are Y/hr
Iris works on a different three or four projects, and one overlapping with Morgan - all her time is Y/hr

Ideally, they can go in and enter time daily per project and what their rate is for that project - either clock in and out, or just enter time spent

I can go in and it will tell me the amount I owe to each of them, and,

I can go in and it will tell me how many hours have been spent per client

I know time tracking has been discussed here before, just haven't seen an answer that fits us.

Based on previous threads, I've checked out: - local instal - single use, or multiple users over local network - if they had a web version, this would be great - again, multiple only over network - - local install - looks like it may do it just fine - though as I add people, the monthly cost may rack up

Project management software always seems like over kill.
We've tried phprojekt and looked at basecamp-- we just don't need the files, bulletin board, milestones, and it seems like when we go in the direction of more complex, people are more resistant of using it.

Surely someone else is in the same boat?
posted by korej to Work & Money (6 answers total)
i guess this isn't much help, but i wrote almost exactly this for my employer. if you don't get a better answer, email me and i'll see if i can get it released publicly. however, even if i did manage to wrench it free (not impossible, as it's the academic sector) it would take some time.
posted by andrew cooke at 2:33 PM on November 26, 2005

I'm an individual, but the program I use seems to have all the capabilities for groups you need:
posted by garbo at 3:11 PM on November 26, 2005

Thanks garbo - I've poked their site, and I'm not seeing a way to put it on a server - any ideas?

And andrew cooke, I appreciate that - time isn't too much of an issue, and I'd love to see something that did this.
posted by korej at 3:19 PM on November 26, 2005

I have worked at a small marketing agency and we did all those things with netsuite I think it gets kinda costly.

I have used php projekt also, and it does what you need and a lot more.

A quick scan on Freshmeat reveals a few others:
Time tracking software
Time Assistant
posted by dhammala at 4:48 PM on November 26, 2005

thanks - I'll see if any of these help!
posted by korej at 7:59 AM on November 28, 2005

andrew cooke I'd be very interested if it was possible to release your program - I'm not finding your email in your profile (may be due to lack of understanding on my part) but my email is in mine. thanks.
posted by korej at 8:05 AM on November 28, 2005

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