Where to find new Skechers in a style that was made 3 years ago?
November 21, 2005 1:00 PM

I have trouble walking long distances or standing for extended periods due to some foot problems (surgery gone bad). 3 years ago I found some shoes/slides made by Skechers called 'Writers/Carroll" that helped a lot. Bought 3 pairs and now they're looking a bit ratty. I'm desperate to replace them. Size 45. Any idea where I might find new ones? I tried Skechers via their web site and they were no help at all. Also tried My feet and I will be eternally grateful.
posted by pman78 to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (6 answers total)
you may want to try zappos.com. i have bought quite a few pairs of shoes from them and thy have a ton. best of luck.
posted by ShawnString at 1:31 PM on November 21, 2005

just looked....sorry no "Writers-Carroll" but they did have some others in the Writers series.
posted by ShawnString at 1:34 PM on November 21, 2005

Ebay? You could set up a saved search so that you get an email whenever a new pair is listed in your size.
posted by LarryC at 2:18 PM on November 21, 2005

Skechers doesn't make that outsole anymore. Have you checked to see if they have an upated or similar version that works?
posted by guruguy9 at 2:47 PM on November 21, 2005

thanks all. tried zappos first - no luck in sizing. will try the ebay idea; need to get new ones however so that may be a long shot.
any other thougths are muchly appreciated....
posted by pman78 at 6:04 PM on November 21, 2005

Try Froogle. It's Google's shopping helper. Its goal is to help you find what you want at the lowest price. www.froogle.com.
posted by FergieBelle at 8:32 AM on December 4, 2005

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