Help me buy toiletries for a 12-year-old girl on the workplace charity gift list.
November 19, 2005 10:42 PM

Help me buy toiletries for a 12-year-old girl on the workplace charity gift list.

Already bought: soap, shampoo/conditioner, toothbrush/paste, deodorant and cotton swabs. I'd like item and brand suggestions for other beauty/health products that appeal to tweener girls. Thanks!
posted by JDC8 to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (29 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Fun flavoured lip balms! Smackers were the thing when I was a tween. I've linked to just the basic ones, there's all kind of fancy sparkling lip gloasses too, or tinted ones. But if you want to stay away from straying into cosmetics, but still want to include something fun, some assortment of those would be a hit. They can be found at most any drug store (Rite-Aid, Shoppers, etc)
posted by nelleish at 10:52 PM on November 19, 2005

Chapstick and/or fruity lip gloss.

On preview: seconded!
posted by Uncle Glendinning at 10:53 PM on November 19, 2005

Acne stuff? A make up bag or other place to stash her stuff. A nice wash cloth & face towel of her own. Items for fresh breath? Gosh it's been so long since I was that age.
posted by LadyBonita at 11:02 PM on November 19, 2005

I had some serious issues regarding feminine hygeine items when I was a preteen--I needed them, but refused to buy them out of shame.

What's the consensus on that? Maybe certificates for Always or something?
posted by sian at 11:11 PM on November 19, 2005

Manic Panic may be a bit much for someone that age. My mom would have killed me if I'd turned up with purple hair at 12.

I didn't do that until I was 13!
posted by Kellydamnit at 11:13 PM on November 19, 2005

Didn't we all have issues about feminine products? My Grandma gave me the whole lecture and demonstration on how to use a non-adhesive pad with a belt (probably 20 years out of date at the time).

Getting those kind of certificates might be embarassing for a 12yo to open at Christmas - unless very well hidden in a pocket or something? It's a good idea, useful, and I can see the need, but I just don't know how it could be pulled off. Plus maybe she hasn't started yet.
posted by LadyBonita at 11:18 PM on November 19, 2005

LadyBonita makes a good point. And, if she hasn't started, and her friends all have, it could be fairly crushing.
Perhaps a gift card to someplace like Walgreens where she can get them if needed, and get lip gloss or whatever if not?
posted by Kellydamnit at 11:19 PM on November 19, 2005

What's the consensus on that?

I was also shamed into not buying them, but I would have been mortified if a stranger or parent's coworker gave me some. I don't think a gift certificate would work, because she would still have to go through the checkout ordeal.

A simple makeup kit? Lip gloss, definitely. Nail polish. A fun organizer for all her makeup. Mud mask. Something that a whole gaggle of preteens can do together on a Friday night.
posted by rhapsodie at 11:22 PM on November 19, 2005

Or what LadyBonita said.
posted by rhapsodie at 11:23 PM on November 19, 2005

The Mary Kate 'n' Ashley stuff is wildly popular with the pre-teens that I know- I think they sell it at Target or Walmart. I'd steer clear of make-up or perfume in case her family won't let her wear it at that age, ditto on feminine hygeine products. Scented bath stuff (Body Shop maybe), nail polish (with remover and files) and lip balm should be OK for any kid. Hair accessories are fun and a really nice hairbrush that won't give you split ends is something every girl should have.
posted by fshgrl at 11:43 PM on November 19, 2005

definitely nail polish, maybe the kind that comes in a pen, for cleaner application. also, they have a lot of nail art kits available that look like a lot of fun. a tackle box is a cheap alternative to a makeup kit.
posted by sadie01221975 at 11:57 PM on November 19, 2005

How does the charity gift list work? This seems really neat.
posted by crabintheocean at 12:38 AM on November 20, 2005

It's the Family Giving Tree. They accept online donations in addition to passing out wishcards to companies in the SF Bay Area.
posted by JDC8 at 1:10 AM on November 20, 2005

How about a nice face mask, some biore strips, acne products, exfoliation creme, manicure kit, loofah, pedicure kit.
posted by k8t at 3:57 AM on November 20, 2005

Manicure items (go for lotion, cuticle remover, files, ridgefiller, base & top coats) would be nice. One of those super-absorbent-but-small-in-size hair towels. Loofahs or those mesh scrubby things and some super-good-smelling body wash.

Some nice slippers or a robe (with pockets!) or something might be a nice touch. Sometimes these sorts of gifts end up with kids in shelters and having some comfy stuff in a communal situation (like a dorm set-up) is very good.

A gift card is nice, but sometimes gift cards end up for family necessisties -- the young lady should have some things just for herself!
posted by macadamiaranch at 5:15 AM on November 20, 2005

Don't assume that she's into feminine stuff. There are plenty of "baby dykes" who would be appalled at being given cosmetics.

I second the suggestion of a long robe with pockets. Make sure it has plenty of "wrap." Some robes barely cover their wearers.
posted by Carol Anne at 5:33 AM on November 20, 2005

If you do want to get her feminine hygiene supplies of some sort, you could give her a few cloth pads in a pretty pattern (maybe lunapads, though I'd think that in the Bay area they'd carry things like that in stores so you wouldn't need to order online). Might be less embarrassing, take up less space, and re-usable to boot.
posted by needs more cowbell at 5:40 AM on November 20, 2005

I vote nay on the "feminine hygeine" products. How embarrassing, I'd probably die of shame.

Lip gloss, face masks, super hair conditioners, manicure/pedicure sets, nail polish, good skin care set.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 5:58 AM on November 20, 2005

And if she isn't into that stuff then she can give it to someone who is...
posted by k8t at 6:06 AM on November 20, 2005

Do you know what race she is? African American hair and skin care needs are different than other kinds of skin. Maybe you can just get her a gift card to a drug store, along with some race-neutral product like nail polish? I know that CVS does gift cards.
posted by footnote at 6:39 AM on November 20, 2005

On second look, macadamiaranch's opinion on the gift card makes sense. A robe and slippers sounds great!
posted by footnote at 6:40 AM on November 20, 2005

Two words: Lip Gloss. (In Flavors)
posted by anastasiav at 6:57 AM on November 20, 2005

You don't have to be a "baby dyke" to not be high maintenance.
posted by thirteenkiller at 7:36 AM on November 20, 2005

It might be a mistake to buy anything that is coded as "girly"--ie: pink, sparkly, flowery. So many girls that age are still at odds with their bodies, and with the expectations of femininity placed on them. She might be a jock/tomboy/non-Britney clone.

She might love a "Bratz" sparkle lip gloss kit, or she might resent it. Maybe you could buy her some gender-neutral items that have a hygenic/health benefit beyond looking like a cutie pie.

Off the top of my head, I'm thinking: a good face lotion with SPF (never too young to start), one of those automatic flosser things, a nice natural bristle hairbrush and comb set, nail clipper/tweezer set, a good multivitamin.

You're doing a good thing.
posted by SassHat at 7:40 AM on November 20, 2005

Yes SassHat, that's what I was feeling too.
posted by thirteenkiller at 9:03 AM on November 20, 2005

I agree with Sasshat. Stay away from pretty shit. I would have been pretty pissed off at 12 to have pink stuff and sparkles forced on me.
posted by arcticwoman at 10:48 AM on November 20, 2005

Shower gels and a nice bath scrubby, maybe a little pot of sugar scrub. Bath and Body Works always has X for $10 specials. I would avoid bar soaps as they're not very portable. You could also get some little bottles of hand sanitizer, always handy in cold season and they make them in nice scents now. Moisturizer with sunscreen is a great idea, along with protective lip balm. Maybe a Buff-Puff and some gentle cleanser.

Definitely get her a swanky-looking toiletry bag to keep her stuff in.
posted by Lyn Never at 11:05 AM on November 20, 2005

Body shop was so cool when I was 12. Smells really nice, too, and would appeal to girly girls or tomboys.

I like to wear the men's Sandlewood cologne.
posted by jb at 9:09 PM on November 20, 2005

Bath and Body Works has an American Girl line of toiletries. Maybe get the girl in question a gift certificate so she can pick out her own stuff.
posted by cass at 9:23 AM on November 21, 2005

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