Peacock Express, Los Angeles Local.
September 27, 2014 10:40 AM

Where (besides Manic Panic, ugh) can I buy funky, semi-permanent hair dyes in Los Angeles? Preferably today?

I hate Manic Panic. Washes out instantly, even in cold water; ruins my towels; fades all too quickly. But I'd like to touch up my color (bright green) today, if at all possible. My salon won't sell me the stuff they use because they only stock it for in-house dye jobs. I'm particularly interested in Special Effects (Limelight) or Jerome Russell Punky Colour, but I'm open to other options. Just no Manic Panic, please! Where can I go, in-person, today, to get my color fix? (Willing to drive a reasonable distance, e.g., Burbank or Pasadena.)
posted by mykescipark to Shopping (3 answers total)
Sally Beauty (at least the one down at Sunset & Vermont) has a surprising assortment of brands of this type of product.
posted by le_salvo at 11:11 AM on September 27, 2014

Yeah, totally hit up Sally's. You'll see a heck of a lot of options. This is the green on their website, but I bet they'll have others. And there are 20 stores in the L.A. area
posted by Katemonkey at 2:27 PM on September 27, 2014

It's no help to you at 11pm, but Han's Beauty Stør is where I buy my Special Effects. They have shops all over the SGV, there's one in Hastings Ranch, on the Michillinda side of Sears. There's one in South Pas on Fair Oaks@the 110 (it's small, and has a poorer selection). There's one in La Canada.
Hope this helps.
posted by ApathyGirl at 11:11 PM on September 27, 2014

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