Domain Registrar Up To No Good?
November 7, 2005 2:56 PM

My domain registrar has blocked access to my control panel which allows me to make configuration changes to my domain names (DNS server info, transfers, etc.). I have 12 domain names registered through this registrar. They use an "account" system so all of my domains can be configured from one control panel. However, even though 11 of my domains are paid-up and current, they have locked me out of my entire account control panel because of 1 unpaid domain. I am unable to do anything with all the other domains that I own which are paid-up. Does anyone know if blocking configuration access to the 11 other domains is okay per their accreditation agreement with ICANN? It seems odd. I have written ICANN, but it said it could be up to four days for a response - and I need in my Control Panel! BTW, in case you're wondering, the payment on the 1 domain is being disputed.
posted by Independent Scholarship to Computers & Internet (17 answers total)
I'd pay up the 12th one, then transfer all of them elsewhere.

The true test of a vendor's worth is how they handle problems, and it seems that they've failed you.
posted by I Love Tacos at 2:58 PM on November 7, 2005

Oh, and I'm quite sure that what they're doing is technically acceptable. I would be shocked if it is not.
posted by I Love Tacos at 2:59 PM on November 7, 2005

So, Tacos, you think that they can keep me from configuring my 11 domains - which are paid up with no problems - because I am disputing double-billing for a 12th? You are right about one thing - they have failed me in a big way. My registrar is 1and1 and I have been told they are the hardest for other registrars to get an easy transfer from. But, I'll soon begin the process. It's a mess.

posted by Independent Scholarship at 3:13 PM on November 7, 2005

The accreditation agreement. I didn't see anything that referenced multiple accounts at one registrar.
posted by smackfu at 3:20 PM on November 7, 2005

I concur with Tacos. Pay it and transfer out. The cost of having issues with 11 domains isn't worth the $10-50 for that contested charge on one domain. Vote with your dollar.

Personally I use because they have provided cool free services for the net community for a long time and this way I get to give a little back.
posted by phearlez at 3:34 PM on November 7, 2005

I'd say pay up, get out, and transfer to Having been through a few, they're my favourite by far.
posted by armoured-ant at 3:39 PM on November 7, 2005

Well, I for one would like to know who the registrar is so that I never use them.
posted by Manhasset at 3:53 PM on November 7, 2005

Oh, and I say don't pay up the domain. Instead, transfer all the others now to a reputable registrar. If they're paid up, they can't stop you from moving them, can they? Try moving one and see what happens.
posted by Manhasset at 3:56 PM on November 7, 2005

I concur that you just need to pay to unlock it. They unfortunately have you in a bad position here, and if it's buried somewhere in the terms of service you originally agreed to with them, then it does not bode well.

GoDaddy offers $6.95/year transfers, which extends your name by a year. Yahoo is offering fresh domains for $2.99/year, but they seem a bit transfer-unfriendly.

GoDaddy has great support and an easy-to-use control panel that lets you deal with your domains en masse or individually, without having to worry if one lapses.
posted by disillusioned at 3:56 PM on November 7, 2005

Thanks for all the excellent responses. I think I will cough up the bucks for the domain (for which I am being double-billed) so I can get into my control panel and begin the transfer process. disillusioned probably nailed it when they said they are able to do this by wording buried in their terms of service. Thanks, MeFites!

posted by Independent Scholarship at 4:11 PM on November 7, 2005

Manhasset - then you should look here.
posted by phearlez at 4:12 PM on November 7, 2005

Oops, missed that phearlez. Thanks. 1and1 doing this doesn't surprise me. Good luck, IS!
posted by Manhasset at 4:30 PM on November 7, 2005

Yeah, when I read the question, I thought, "That sounds like something 1and1 would pull." Buncha jerks.
posted by words1 at 4:37 PM on November 7, 2005

If it's any consolation, I just moved a domain away from 1and1 to Godaddy without any obvious problems, to my slight surprise. So it can be done.
posted by chrominance at 5:44 PM on November 7, 2005

This shouldn't have to be either/or. Pay, transfer, AND dispute. If they've double-billed you, they should darned well put the extra amount back on your credit card once the facts prove them wrong. (Contact your CC company to start a dispute through them too. Keeps the pressure on.)
posted by nakedcodemonkey at 5:51 PM on November 7, 2005

Seconding the vote for GoDaddy:
- reasonable prices
- excellent control panel
- great service (quick, friendly and competent)
Godaddy rocks!

You may have some trouble transferring OUT of your current registrar. Hopefully, your experience will be as easy as chrominance's (above) was. DomainsNext (the worst registrar I have ever experienced) made it VERY difficult to leave.
posted by cup at 6:22 PM on November 7, 2005

I'm with the pay up and transfer crowd and would recommend Pair as being large, reliable and reputable, if not cheap.

Having made the second payment and assuming there's a credit card involved, stop/cancel the first payment. If they don't reckon it exists, they shouldn't miss it, should they? For them to re-present the first charge would be an admission that they double-billed you.

You most likely will need to pay up to do the transfer as 1and1 will have "locked" the domain. For a transfer to succeed, you'll probably need to mark the domain as "unlocked" and then reply to a confirmation email / web dialog / other-thing that 1and1 will send you to confirm the transfer.
posted by polyglot at 7:17 PM on November 7, 2005

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