How to present my tablet app to potential investors online?
August 26, 2014 4:14 PM

I designed an app for tablets that I'd like to present to potential investors. Problem is, I can't make an in-person presentation and I'll have to settle for an online one. How do the professionals usually go about this (videos, images, ...)?

Since the presentation is private, I am thinking that the best way to do it is on some sort of password-protected site like Wordpress or Tumblr. I don't want anyone stealing my graphics or video though, but I have no way of controlling that.

Also, is showing various still images of the app the best way to show it off? Or is a screen captured interaction the way to go? What would be the most attractive (as well as cost/time efficient) solution to impress the investors?

My tools are: (1) A Sony Xperia Acro S phone with decent video quality, (2) Adobe Premiere and After Effects and the skills to boot, (3) Photoshop skills to make my presentation graphics attractive enough, (4) storytelling skills as well as a sense of humor to sell the app.

Are there some good, proven solutions for this type of endeavor? Maybe an example of how major companies or developers go about it?
posted by cyrusw8 to Computers & Internet (4 answers total)
Any particular reason you can't email a powerpoint presentation?
posted by oceanjesse at 9:29 PM on August 26, 2014

I really want to present it to the client instead of e-mailing a boring presentation...
posted by omar.a at 9:47 PM on August 26, 2014

WebEx? It would seem bizarre if there isn't an online meeting application which allows you to allow people to view your tablet screen remotely.
posted by dvrmmr at 10:53 PM on August 26, 2014

I feel like looking through the archive of "Show HN" posts on Hacker News will give you some ideas. Mostly I think what I tend to see is video of people poking at the app on an actual phone or tablet, plus some paragraphs and screenshots/photos telling people who don't wanna watch a video what the app does.
posted by egypturnash at 10:59 PM on August 26, 2014

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