Where to get cheap CD/DVD resurfacing in NYC
November 1, 2005 1:14 PM   Subscribe

Does anyone know where in NYC (preferably in or near the East Village) one can have CDs/DVDs resurfaced for cheap?

I went to Kim's on St. Marks to sell off some DVDs and CDs, and the bulk of them were turned away for being too scratched to sell. The clerk suggested that I get them resurfaced, saying that quite a few places in the area could do the job for $.99 a disc or less. While that would make it well worth my while, I haven't seen anywhere while walking around, and Googling has proved fruitless. Anyone know of a place with pricing close to $.99 a disc (or less even)? Thanks!
posted by incomple to Technology (4 answers total)
I'd take the clerk's advice with a pinch of salt - I recently had some CDs resurfaced (at Lazer Blazer if any LA LA Landers are wondering) and the refinishing process certainly left tiny grind marks which to a potential buyer would appear offputting. And it cost $2.50 per disc.

So you may have to entertain the idea that the clerk tells that to every joe that comes in with scratched discs just to get them off his back....
posted by forallmankind at 1:47 PM on November 1, 2005

Your home?

Recovering Scratched CDs - if toothpaste doesn't work, try brasso, if that doesn't work, try silver polish, and if *that* doesn't work, some people swear by car polish.
posted by PurplePorpoise at 2:15 PM on November 1, 2005

You can buy a resurfacer for, like, $30 and do them yourself. Probably have that on eBay.
posted by dobbs at 7:08 PM on November 1, 2005

Response by poster: All excellent suggestions... I thought about buying a resurfacer or a resurfacing kit, but I figured the potential cost might outweigh the financial benefit. At $30, though, that doesn't seem likely.

What's obnoxious to me is that none of the discs have the slightest trouble playing; I appreciate the fact that any used DVDs or CDs I buy there are going to be in near-flawless condition, of course, but not being able to be rid of perfectly decent movies and music is a bit frustrating. Toothpaste it is.
posted by incomple at 8:49 PM on November 1, 2005

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