Band Aids (not Groupies) - do they still exist?
June 17, 2014 2:10 AM   Subscribe

How does anyone get Guest or Backstage or VIP or whatever they are called PASSES anymore? Are Band Aids a thing of the past?

I'm a music lover from WAY back. Heck, I just call myself a concert junkie now. Times have sure changed. I used to go to so many concerts that I knew everyone so it was easy to get backstage. What did I do backstage? Get autographs and pics, chat, eat, drink, party. Yep, that's it. Basically have a blast and talk about music. This was back when you camped out in line for a concert ticket to make sure you got one (especially for a prime seat), instead of paying $1000.

Today, this just doesn't happen anymore. Last year I went to the Firefly Music Festival. What an experience. Traffic!! I have to admit that I'm not a fan of sitting in traffic, but having lived in Atlanta, eh, nothing up here in the NE phases me as it isn't anything near what it was down there. While sitting in traffic on Friday, I met a very nice girl Stacy who was also alone (actually meeting her sister there). We chatted as our cars were moving at the same snails pace. Here they had guest passes. Making a long story short, they were nice enough to get one one.

Guest passes are NOT backstage or VIP or Super VIP, as the Firefly venue sells those. But they do give you access to nice bathrooms and free water (I don't drink much alcohol) and a place to plan your buttinski when a break is needed. Oh, and a chance to meet some super nice music lovers.

I loved the concert enough last year that I went and bought a wristband right away last year. I then went ahead and contacted the nearest hotel, which is right aside of the venue and was able to get a room (whoohoo). I've been contacting everyone I can think of, including the director of the hotel to see if they could help to get me a GUEST pass this year again. NOTHING.

Sigh, the music industry has changed. I'm convinced it isn't about the music for the fans anymore. Just about the money. Thoughts?
posted by Ogdog13 to Media & Arts

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