Searching for a slim book of odd Iowa humor from the 80s
May 22, 2014 9:20 PM   Subscribe

Back in the early or mid-eighties, my grandparents had a book of offbeat Iowan humor. I'd love to find that book again.

Here's what I remember: It was a small-press book, 9-1/2" by 12" or thereabouts, and pretty slim. Much of the humor involved black and white photos, and was definitely focused on Iowa. The humor was a lot younger and hipper than what my grandparents were into (they preferred Lawrence Welk and the Saturday Evening Post.)

Two jokes I remember:

-The dorms at Iowa State were built to look like suitcases to symbolize the brain drain.

-The signs that everyone assumed to mean 'deer crossing' were actually put up by the DNR to remind everyone to watch out for deer with backwards antlers, since they're pretty rare.

There was also something about six-on-six high-school girls' basketball, but I don't remember the joke.
posted by hydrophonic to Media & Arts (1 answer total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
was it maybe this one?
posted by koroshiya at 9:44 PM on May 22, 2014

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