Looking for a different sort of blog
February 23, 2014 5:34 PM

I'm looking for blogs that are about the life of the person writing them instead of just a single topic. Like, maybe an author keeps a blog and writes about cooking and being an author and trips to Mexico, or a reporter in Germany talks about being a reporter but also their deep love of jazz. Something that's about the many things in a person's life. Caveat: Nothing too focused on a family, please - just individuals. Bonus points for people with super-interesting lives or for people in their twenties.
posted by reductiondesign to Computers & Internet (8 answers total) 34 users marked this as a favorite
Jamie Todd Rubin

He's apparently a software developer by day, but he's also a science fiction author and an Evernote ambassador. He writes about productivity, tech tools, writing, books he's reading, going paperless, and other assorted topics. He writes about his family sometimes, but not very often. I'm amazed at how much he manages to fit into his life, and I've picked up several good tips from his blog.
posted by Librarienne at 5:56 PM on February 23, 2014

Jami Attenberg's Home No. 5 is good reading. Her 2012 novel The Middlesteins got a bunch of glowing reviews from NPR, NYT and the like, and made several best-of lists. Her blog is funny, a mix of single woman in NYC anecdotes, travels (including a lot of stories in New Orleans, where she spends a fair amount of time), growing up Jewish, etc. It's not the kind of blog where she's going to try and chronicle her entire life, but she serves up very real, very arresting slices of it.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 5:57 PM on February 23, 2014

Derek Sivers

Former musician, founder of CD Baby, writer, TED speaker...
posted by keep it tight at 6:06 PM on February 23, 2014

The Wilder Coast.
posted by pril at 7:43 PM on February 23, 2014

I'm not making this up - Erla Zwingle is a travel writer who lives in Venice.
posted by sebastienbailard at 8:39 PM on February 23, 2014

David Lebovitz. Mostly about food, but a lot about life in Paris and his travels.
posted by Joleta at 9:29 PM on February 23, 2014

Is self-linking okay? My blog is entering its twenties this year, I'm a bit older :)

chroniques d'une fraise, a Franco-Oregonian on the French Riviera and very soon to be in Paris (keeping my place in Nice). I started in 1994, as a U of Oregon student, when this sort of site was called a "journal" (you might try using that as a search term, it is essentially what you're looking for) and you got comments by email. You could find a lot of other interesting people in my sidebar links. As for me, I'll probably be posting more often when I reach Paris next week. Cats, cycling, DIY, photography, and France (of course) are my main subjects. I've been an English and French teacher in Finland, a translator in Finland and France, a technical writer, and since 1997, a test analyst – functional software testing. In the 20 years I've had my site, I've left an abusive family (which I never write about on my blog, because they read it), an abusive ex, been published several times (photography and writing), lived briefly in a roach-infested motel due to my ex never having put my name on our lease, got a wonderful job with neat people, and bought an apartment in a 1940 Art Deco building in Nice, from which I cycle around our hills.
posted by fraula at 12:21 AM on February 24, 2014

Manhattan Nest is blog by a freelance interior designer where he writes great stuff about his DIY projects and house renovation.

"Also, I write this blog, which is all about the process of DIY-ing, thrifting, and decorating my home. Plus some other stuff, like dogs and occasionally travel and maybe sometimes food. And life? It’s a good time is what it is! I like showing people how to do stuff that I know how to do, along with things I don’t know how to do but try anyway."
posted by forkisbetter at 8:46 AM on February 24, 2014

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