Portable Midi Keyboard Recommendations?
February 9, 2014 2:30 PM   Subscribe

I just got Logic Pro X for my birthday and am learning how to make music! Yay! I'd like compose on the go with my laptop, but I can't lug my keyboard around and am thus on the hunt for a portable midi keyboard. The more portable, the better - but it would be nice if I didn't wince when I touched the keys.

Right now, I'm leaning towards this 32-key-er from M-Audio, which has decent reviews on Amazon:


I'm also looking at a Korg Microkey, but the M-Audio is a decent amount cheaper and a bit more portable as well. Any others I should be considering? Thanks, Ya'll!
posted by Kamelot123 to Technology (6 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
The M-Audio is BRILLIANT. I'm sitting on a bus with it in my bag as I type; it goes everywhere with me now. (I actually recommended it on social media after I bought it, which I virtually never do w/ a product like that.)
posted by kalapierson at 3:11 PM on February 9, 2014

The Korg is worth the extra 30 bucks, IMO. I don't like the keys on the M-Audio at all.

The Dave McMillen Qunexus is weird but is great as a portable music keyboard-pad thing. It's way more portable than anything else out there. I was skeptical but after a friend recommended it I got it and never use my other portable controller. It's kind of expensive, though.


Here's someone playing it like a piano:

posted by BabeTheBlueOX at 3:17 PM on February 9, 2014 [1 favorite]

I don't own either of those devices, but having tested them I would agree with BabeTheBlueOX on going with the Korg for the quality of keys alone. I'm probably going to purchase one of the 25 key versions in the near future for the same portability reasons as I want to minimize the amount I move the full 88 key electric piano behemoth I currently use.
posted by ndfine at 3:59 PM on February 9, 2014

Response by poster: Eek, the Qunexus looks pretty neat. Asking this question was supposed to make deciding easier, not more difficult...

Thanks so far, I hope to hear some more responses!
posted by Kamelot123 at 4:58 PM on February 9, 2014

I ordered the Axiom AIR Mini and then returned it because I couldn't stand the feel of the keys. Qunexus is what I'm thinking of trying next, but haven't pulled the trigger.
posted by doctord at 6:53 AM on February 10, 2014

1 lb for 32 keys (M-Audio) versus 2.2 lbs for 37 keys (Korg). Big difference if you really want a carry-everywhere tool.
posted by kalapierson at 8:07 AM on February 11, 2014

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